Example sentences of "[adv] at the [noun sg] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 You get attached especially at the spooling because you 're working in twos .
2 I was impressed by Lovat 's manner during the landing , on the beach under fire , and especially at the crossroads as he stood and directed the attack on the village of Amfreville .
3 If I 'd told them a tale like that then they would have had me down at the station before I could blink ! ’
4 She looked down at the ice as she spoke .
5 Quickly dragging her gaze from his splendid body , Polly stared with intense concentration up at the mainsail , then down at the compass as embarrassment flamed her face .
6 His wife in her innocence told us he had been down at the steamer when we landed and had slipped out of sight , and next morning he had left at six o'clock to go and visit a small island North of Jura where he had never been known to go before . "
7 Bridhe smiled down at the baby as she panted up the stairs again .
8 Glancing down at the package as though it might just possibly bite , she took a deep breath and began to unpick the sellotape that held it intact .
9 But I will never forget that time we both watched your father walking back and forth in front of the summerhouse , looking down at the ground as though he hoped to find some precious jewel he had dropped there . ’
10 Write about one main incident or object ( Chekhov said you could select anything you saw and write about it , but do n't sit down at the typewriter before the idea has gelled in your mind .
11 She sat down at the table while Michael called the plane .
12 Lancaster breathed out slowly and looked down at the table when he realised what he had said .
13 She had also left some grasses free-flowing , stuck only at the bottom so they could move in the breeze , but had been told this was not strictly according to tradition .
14 Children can learn that food is available only at the table so they may manage a few minutes sitting down to eat and then get up and run around .
15 He smiled fondly at the girl as he spoke , and Paulette , who in truth was very pretty , blew him a kiss before lying back on the pillows .
16 [ … ] When one looks merely at the situation after the resource has been monopolized by the entrepreneurial skill of the producer , one sees only a monopolist producer — exempt from competition to the extent his resource monopoly permits .
17 However , her warnings are aimed less at the right than at the Communists and their 26 deputies , who would fare badly in an early general election .
18 Quite suddenly Tweed pulled in at the kerb before they reached the hotel .
19 put that one in at the moment cos it sort of .
20 Beringed hands waved in a frenzy around Miranda 's own boldly streaked , mane-like hair , and Belinda quickly paid and left , realising she had been very lucky to get squeezed in at the salon when so many women wanted to look special for Christmas .
21 There was just because there was n't enough money within all unions , not forget that there was n't such a thing as a T U C then , this was in at the infancy when the unions first started , there was n't such as a T U C , Trades Unions Congress .
22 There is also the oft repeated argument that we should not sit down together at the table until after unity is accomplished .
23 The horses nosed patiently at the ground as they waited .
24 Nails screeched and popped , and the board juddered away at the bottom as something outside slammed against the wood .
25 Invited by Hawke Systems Ltd , Slough , Berkshire , to cast a glance over DEC 's Alpha boxes last week , Unigram.X was turned away at the door when DEC UK officials turned white at the mention of press .
26 I tell you , there 's one old cripple , ugly old bird — more chins than a Chinese telephone directory — sits there nodding away at the testcard when it 's on , does n't notice .
27 Then he had added , ‘ I 'll be over at the factory if you need me before then .
28 No , well , he , you know , just at the end when they 're giving the last news just before nine o'clock
29 I have n't quite mastered dressing the dolls just at the moment though : - ) ) ) .
30 Eleanor was nearly twice the age he felt he deserved , and it had been his ambition for a long time to have a girl just at the point when it became legal .
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