Example sentences of "[adv] at [adv] three [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Killion raced down at almost three times the German 's speed , and saw his shots plucking and smashing at the lumbering fuselage .
2 The uni-male harem occurs in at least three kinds of population dispersion pattern .
3 " Ali Yegani ( Sinaneddin Yusuf : d. 945/1538–9 ) who taught in at least three medreses before reaching the Iznik medrese where , in about 921–2/1515–16 , he was receiving 45 akce a day .
4 Newens 's views were perhaps influenced by his contacts with Ceauşescu and he had written or edited at least three books about Ceauşescu : Nicolae Ceauşescu — the Man , His Ideas and the Achievements on the Road to Socialism ( which appeared in at least three editions between 1972 and 1978 to satisfy popular demand ) , Talking with Nicolae Ceauşescu , and Nicolae Ceauşescu — The Effort to Create a Modern Romania .
5 The visual identification of HAPCs was easy because of their high amplitude ( which did not overlap with the other contractions ) and their unequivocal propagation over at least three recording sites .
6 Compliance with the diet appeared satisfactory from studies in diabetics and non-diabetics over at least three months .
7 Answer guide : Answers should reflect the fact that the accounts are normally at least three months old when they are published .
8 It is interesting to not that the values achieved in 1989 were broadly at about three times the turnover seen in these outlets , whereas today , a multiplier of approximately one , to one and a quarter times turnover , is far more appropriate .
9 Already at least three soldiers in her home corps had approached her father to ask about the possibility of marriage .
10 The legs were too wide and were chopped off at least three inches above her boots .
11 It is in three parts and the main physical bulk takes up at least three metres of shelf space , in addition to which there may be one metre of reference books and some local information on file or cards .
12 So begin by dreaming up at least three possibilities .
13 It now seems set to be pushed back at least three months , as the chosen central processing units are causing problems .
14 the accountant is required to extract balances on the clients ' ledger accounts at two or more dates — now at least three months apart — and compare the total liabilities to clients with the cash book balance on the client account , and reconcile the cash book balance with the client account balance as confirmed directly to the accountant by the bank or building society ;
15 I 've got an appointment in the hospital the second week of March and she said go down and have a blood test about three weeks before at least three weeks before .
16 Since the front of a slug travels downstream at about three times the speed of the rear ( Fig. 18.7 ) , there can be substantial variations in the fraction of the flow that is turbulent ( Fig. 18.8 ) and thus in the flow rate .
17 That truck has been there at least three days . ’
18 ‘ The man 's problems have intensified in the last few weeks and it 's reached the stage where he 's late at least three mornings a week now . ’
19 They are long , narrow strips of land surrounded on at least three sides by canals .
20 The resurgence since late February of violence in Uzbekistan against the Meskhetian minority [ see p. 37257 ] produced its first reported fatalities on March 3 when at least three people were killed in clashes between Uzbek demonstrators and security forces in Parkent , near the Uzbek capital of Tashkent .
21 Another 20 people were shot in Karachi where at least three Muhajir districts were placed under curfew .
22 She read it idiotically at least three times , until she 'd convinced herself there was no hidden psychological message in the bare statement of fact , and then realised that someone had just come in the front door of the flat and was moving around in the hall .
23 Although the material was systematically arranged as it was collected , the system changed very significantly at least three times , and by the time it arrived at the Institute in Nottingham , any order there had been in the files of material was lost .
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