Example sentences of "[adv] be with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 " Payment in " shall not be mentioned in the pleadings and the notice must not be with the pleadings or documents for the use of the court at the trial or arbitration until after its decision , except in the case of a defence of tender , or the filing of a plea under the Libel Acts ( Ord 11 , r 7 ) .
2 And intervention need not be with the drill .
3 Please note that Susannah Harsanyi ( who was listed on the cast/crew list we sent you last week ) will not be with the party .
4 His ( professional 's ) preoccupation must always be with the promotion of the interests of his client … ( 1968 , p.5 ) .
5 They will both be with the embalmers . ’
6 In spite of Scott LJ 's efforts the prevalent view of textbook writers is that " It can be said that any covenant which affects the landlord qua landlord or the tenant qua tenant will probably be with the class of covenants which [ run ] , but this is not very helpful , and it is better to note examples from decided cases " ( P.F. Smith , Evans : The Law of Landlord and Tenant ( Butterworths : 1985 ) 75 ) .
7 Any bid would probably be with the blessing of the society 's management .
8 Sometimes , this may be delegated to the conveyancer acting , but this delegation must clearly be with the client 's authority .
9 He 'd far rather be with the grown-ups then playing nursemaid to you . ’
10 And she says might just as well be with the kids like so .
11 I went there then he wo n't be with the church I went to scramblers .
12 He told me that with chicken pox I should n't be with the team , and he kept making remarks which made me feel embarrassed .
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