Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At Christmas her Uncle Bertie assembled the clan at his manor house in Wiltshire and announced that as a start she had better be presented at Court .
2 ‘ Then you had better be prepared for disruption , because I fear she could be here permanently . ’
3 Not for the normal reasons : that they 're failed creators ( they usually are n't ; they may be failed critics , but that 's another matter ) ; or that they 're by nature carping , jealous and vain ( they usually are n't ; if anything , they might better be accused of over-generosity , of upgrading the second-rate so that their own fine discriminations thereby appear the rarer ) .
4 Do n't stuff yourself with doughnuts or chocolate , or anything to which you are unaccustomed , or indeed anything to which you are accustomed but which you might suddenly be tempted to gorge in distorted amounts .
5 As we have seen , for some Foucault can apparently be dismissed with ease as merely the philosopher of discontinuity , a description which is hardly adequate ; for others , criticism takes the form that he simply relativizes history , but this is really no better , for history is itself a mode of demonstrating the relativity , temporariness , and temporality of phenomena .
6 Although it would be possible to pursue the question of history in terms of such analyses of the forms of historicity , such an enquiry would take us on a very different path from that prompted by our original question , namely if poststructuralism can apparently be faulted by reference to a history which it neglects , where in Marxism can this history be found ?
7 If the elements placed in theme position in the source text can easily and naturally be placed in theme position in the target text , the method of development of the two texts will be the same or very similar .
8 In the first place , as knowledge of the syntax , phonology and semantics of various languages has increased , it has become clear that there are specific phenomena that can only naturally be described by recourse to contextual concepts .
9 Some modern gardeners report that handling the leaves of this plant can cause a blistering rash on sensitive skin , so it must obviously be treated with respect , but there is a good chance that oil of rue would prove to be a successful repellent for most misbehaving cats .
10 This fact must obviously be taken into account in the interpretation of raised beaches .
11 Its content will obviously be considered in relation to the ward learning objectives .
12 One unremarked consequence for both sexes , for example , is that since wives ' allowances can henceforth be set against investment income , there will be more non-taxpayers among bank and building society depositors — and the composite rate of tax on their yield will then be reduced for everybody .
13 An outside problem can sometimes be helped by , say , more flexible working hours and so be resolved at management level .
14 The orbitals in these compounds can be considered to lie predominantly on the metal ( or metals in a polynuclear species ) or on the ligands , or to be involved in metal-ligand interactions and so be shared between metal and ligand .
15 He would probably also marry the knight 's daughter and so be knighted in turn .
16 Where administrators might justly be accused of partiality in land questions , however , was in cases involving the relations of the Masai with other tribes .
17 Social psychoanalysis , by contrast , takes the view that contemporary character should not merely be explained by reference to contemporary culture and childrearing , but that in any society contemporary childrearing and culture are the consequences of historical changes and that the contemporary individual recapitulates the cultural past and therefore , by a sort of reverse neoteny , experiences in his childhood the traumas and stages of ego- and superego-development which occurred in the adult lives of his ancestors .
18 But it should constantly be borne in mind that law and institutions only provide a framework for human activity and , in particular , for political activity .
19 New Forum tried to take the Politburo up on its offer to talk , and again demanded legal status so that it would not constantly be accused of subversion .
20 The major tool of management was always employment , for it was only through interest that anything worthwhile could be obtained , for even appointments in mercantile houses at home or abroad could often only be obtained through interest , while all appointments in government service were patronage appointments , in fact if not always in theory .
21 It is a sadly neglected work , and again the only serious alternative to Järvi is Stravinsky 's Chicago recording which like the Jeu can only be obtained as part of a mammoth 22-CD Sony set of virtually all Stravinsky 's major works ( totally indispensable though that is ) .
22 Treatment for Thrush can only be obtained on prescription from your doctor or clinic .
23 If there are no goods in the shops ; or if food can only be obtained by rationing ; or if the state siphons off the lion 's share of increased earnings as taxation ; or if an economy seems incapable of growing , then people begin to question the fundamentals on which such a system is built .
24 The fact that the company never had and was never entitled to have some of the documents and that certain of them could only be obtained by litigation with the appellants , in so far as they were relevant to issues in that litigation , are factors to take into account in the balancing exercise to be set against the purposes of the administration set out in section 8 of the Act of 1986 .
25 This information could only be obtained by conversion of the CED typesetting tape to a usable representation of the information .
26 Access to special procedure material can only be obtained by virtue of a warrant issued by a circuit judge who can issue such a warrant either where , prior to the Act , there would have been access to such material and the first set of access conditions apply or where the judge has reasonable grounds to believe ( i ) a serious arrestable offence has been committed .
27 Unfortunately , experience is the best guide to fabric interpretation , and this can only be obtained by study of many different sediment types .
28 Conclusive evidence for the occurrence of arrested larval development can only be obtained by examination of the worm population in the host .
29 Please note that tickets for Event 16 can only be obtained in advance from York Music Centre .
30 for him to determine as a preliminary issue whether the county court had jurisdiction to deal with the matter , or whether , as the council claim , the question whether they had discharged their statutory duty under section 69 could only be raised by way of proceedings for judicial review in the High Court .
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