Example sentences of "[adv] you [vb mod] [vb infin] the " in BNC.

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1 And er d you n really ne you need you need a bottle of champagne by the side of you when you reach the stage when suddenly you can see the front of the van .
2 In each of the seven vertical columns of the grid below you 'll find the name of a well-known golfer .
3 BELOW You can develop the sit and stay routine with the dog off the leash , walking a considerable distance away before calling the dog to you .
4 Open bridging is needed when you have n't yet signed a contract for the sale of your current home and so you do n't know how long you 'll need the bridging loan .
5 This will show the maximum amount you can borrow , and over how long you can repay the loan .
6 A useful exercise to practise the rig steering combined with weight on the rails is to see how long you can maintain the freestyle trick of tail sinking .
7 Naturally you will study the phrases and vocabulary which apply to your new interest , whatever it is , by careful SAS practice first .
8 Naturally you will watch the person you are talking with to notice if they appear to have difficulty in hearing you because of background noise .
9 in the heat , once it 's cooled down you 'll get the familiar appearance of a glossy surface of pottery , with the oxide having also fired and sometimes changed colour and that 's your colour underneath , on your base a layer of colour and then a plastic surface right if I talk about glaze , erm vitrify does , did anybody understand that ?
10 ‘ If the theatre 's been pulled down you could try the local council .
11 With the hood down you can lower the windows and go in over the top , but even this is far from ideal .
12 I think it 's rather an island in in the middle of the ermerm cultivated land so if you stand on top of the Ridgeway and look down you can see the Harwell site standing out as a a green treed area erm compared with the corn all round it .
13 Perhaps you 'll check the spelling for me afterwards will you ?
14 ‘ So I 'll cover tonight , then , and perhaps you 'll take the early passenger surgery . ’
15 Perhaps you 'll share the joke , ’ he said smoothly , ‘ and perhaps you will also answer my question ?
16 Nevertheless , perhaps you would inform the Consul General .
17 Perhaps you would bring the proofs through to the kitchen . ’
18 There perhaps you would say the id is beginning to dominate the ego , but in accepting these extreme cases of , of psychotics who are severely divorced from reality , the , what always happens is the id has to make a demand on the ego which then gratifies it .
19 Perhaps you 'd put the stuff all ready in the treatment-room , Nurse Avery .
20 erm talking about the sorry David the Playhouse being an entertainment centre , perhaps you should utilise the space a little bit more I 'm sure if we go down stairs now into the foyer bar it 's probably empty as it is erm many nights of the week .
21 So John came up and we said er we were wondering who could judge th Christmas card competition and he was saying oh I do n't know , and then th the P T A chairman came up erm we said oh perhaps you should judge the Christmas card competition erm and she said well Melissa is judging it and we said Pardon !
22 But do n't take my word for it ; perhaps you should search the place , just in case .
23 Perhaps you should try the library . ’
24 Perhaps you could open the door , could you ? ’
25 It is regrettable that your esteemed publication never got round to featuring him in his lifetime ; perhaps you could put the record straight now .
26 For example , if you are short of storage space , a perennial complaint , perhaps you could consider the ceiling .
27 Perhaps you could note the correction in The Art Newspaper before ecologists begin to argue ecological doomsday scenarios based on the disappearance of the Penguin from the northern hemisphere ?
28 So , if you receive the also-enclosed £30 in Bank-of-England notes safely , perhaps you could share the draft money with Robert when you see him in Prague .
29 Perhaps you could test the water at your end , and let me know when you could come .
30 Perhaps you could contact the chairman of the Parish Council , Mr Paul Brown of 14 Brook Avenue , Scorton Preston , PR3 1AR .
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