Example sentences of "[adv] you [verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The same applies with the teachers , they soon get to know you and before long you get to know them all .
2 There is a wacky feel but perhaps you have to see them live .
3 and the erm , when you moved in obviously you had to use it
4 You say something often enough you begin to believe it .
5 so you had to ask them .
6 So you had to draw it as they describe it .
7 So you had to pick it up and carry it outside ?
8 So you had to scoop it out into
9 So you had to share yours with someone else and you just got a sixth okay .
10 So you had to have it , they when to sle they were worse when they were coming out of it .
11 So you know to check it and go back and do it differently and it 's the same with this moved up a level now , that you you keep in keep in charge of it .
12 So you want to see it ?
13 So you want to punish me , do you ?
14 So you want to avoid it at all costs in release three of four .
15 So you want to limit it .
16 So you decided to go it alone .
17 So you have to watch it at home ?
18 So you have to split them up between you .
19 So you have to show them that is very important , not because of the mercury recovery but because of their health .
20 It is better to leave them out altogether in most cases of this sort , however much you long to use them .
21 Once you are starting the second year at the school you see faces that are familiar and through brothers and sisters who are in the years above you get to know them .
22 So presumably you have to do it
23 Right you have to come I think the basis of this evening was to get people to come along and put there points of view and to say what 's happening and what is n't happening and I think we can take that take that away and considerate it yes I mean I I think the board or the management committee will be happy to meet with people to discuss the use of the theatre er what it 's used for what might what the unhappiness is if there is unhappiness and the positive and the positive as well as the negative points yes .
24 And and as a matter of fact he if er if ever you went to see him about anything and said , What about this , Les ?
25 I will never travel again in the front coach — that is my only superstitious qualm , or what ever you want to call it .
26 The more you play Epic the more you want to complete it .
27 This means that the thankless task of nagging is of an elevated importance in the unknown band 's armoury of skills : the less notice they take , the more you need to pester them .
28 Disappointingly strawberries do not freeze so if you do not eat them at once you need to use them up in some other way .
29 Well it 's it 's like you trying to say you 're gon na boil a pan of potatoes and you 've got ta keep turning it off every two minutes , cos it 'll be getting too hot !
30 And you ca n't throw it frontwards you have to throw it behind .
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