Example sentences of "[adv] that they have [be] " in BNC.

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1 It was not enough that they had been questioned at length about a work in which they had secretly collaborated : they were now to be insulted by having their acknowledged work dismissed as of small account .
2 They were always a big league band in the States , but it 's only in the last five years or so that they have been rising up the Euro league .
3 They acknowledged only that they had been playing loud music and having innocent fun .
4 They have forgotten who they are , knowing only that they have been trapped by an evil enchanter .
5 And although you 're right that they 've been selling flowers for a long time , they underwent a massive re-fit recently .
6 No matter that she had n't understood the broken phrases gasped from Rune 's lips as he had devoured her with his kisses ; she knew instinctively that they had been an expression of his desire for her in that sweet moment of culmination .
7 A word gets around the famine is over and after the tragic experience of loosing her family , her three men in her life , her husband and her sons , nobody starts to consider the situation again , she 's alone now in a foreign , a strange land , surely the only sensible thing for her to do would be to return to her own people in Bethlehem , they say news comes through that they 've been a succession of good harvest , well of course there was gon na be good harvest , god had n't forsaken his people , although they had sinned , although they had done what was wrong , he had n't forsaken them , gods not in the business for forsaken people , he 's long suffering , he is faithful , he keeps his covenant from one generation to another that he had n't forgotten the people in Bethlehem and he had sent them through and he had provided good harvests those who had remained in Bethlehem during the famine , they 'd only suffered for a short time , perhaps enough time to bring them to their senses , to bring them back to god , now the suffering was forgotten as they revelled in a plentiful supplying in abundant harvests Naomi on the other hand she knows want now , she 's suffering bereavement , she 's suffering poverty , she 's suffering remorse , there 's nothing for her in Noad , there 's no rest , no joy , no provision , nothing that could meet her needs what a pity she had wasted there those ten wasted those ten years , ten long wasted years in her life now she comes to a decision whatever the cost and there is a cost , she 's gon na have to eat humble pie , how are they gon na receive her when she goes back but she comes to that decision that no matter what it costs her , she will go back to the place that was chosen for her by god , her inheritance of him It always to our cost when we under value our inheritance , do you remember the story of Jacob and Aesop and how Aesop despised his birth right , the inheritance that was his , and Illuminarc and Naomi had done the same , and you and I can do it so easily , leaving , forgetting , not entering in to the inheritance that is ours in Christ , we do it to our own costs , and so she goes through that I 'm gon na go back , I 'm gon na take up my inheritance , I 'm going back home .
8 It was just that they 'd been told they could n't do it .
9 If sophisticated strategies such as nominalization have not so far been recognized as viable options in resolving the tension between syntax and communicative function , this does not imply that they are not viable — just that they have been largely overlooked .
10 In the three Baltic republics and in Georgia it had been decided that to participate would be to acknowledge Soviet constitutional legitimacy , thereby forfeiting the key argument in their independence campaigns , namely that they had been illegally occupied and annexed to the Soviet Union .
11 You may lose some credibility with the clientele if you demolish him or her with a blitzkrieg attack only to find later that they had been looking for the nearest toilet !
12 Make out that they 've been right bastards to .
13 Held , allowing the appeal , that although justices had an overriding duty to investigate the proposals advanced by the parties notwithstanding that they had been fully agreed , the profundity of that investigation should reflect the reality that there was consensus between the parties , particularly when one party was a local authority with statutory duties and another the child 's guardian ad litem , and any period during which justices reserved their decision or reasoned judgment should be kept to a minimum ; that if justices , having fulfilled their duty to make an independent investigation of terms proposed by consent , came to the conclusion that other terms should be imposed on the parties , they should indicate the terms they were minded to impose and give the parties an opportunity to make submissions on them ; and that , in all the circumstances , the order should be varied to provide that there would be no contact with the father on the basis that the local authority would continue to perform its statutory duty to review each six months and that the half-sister would be afforded reasonable contact ( post , pp. 277B–F , 278C–D ) .
14 Now that they had been presented with the information which they had requested all along , they had to prove that faecal contamination of the egg shell did not constitute any great risk to public health , Mother Catherine said .
15 Radios 2 and 3 have irrevocably lost listeners now that they have been squeezed on to FM only ; so will Radio 1 , which is to meet the same fate .
16 Perhaps the adults will understand that now that they have been arrested .
17 Would my right hon. Friend care to come to the county town of Lancaster to see how outstandingly well our schools , under local management , are spending their money now that they have been freed from an extravagant county council which never had the right priorities and always deprived our schools of the money that they should have had ?
18 ‘ Our comments have gone unheeded by central government but surely they must pay attention now that they have been reiterated by a person of his standing . ’
19 They refused still to attend the kirk and word had got around that they had been married by ‘ The Prophet ’ .
20 ‘ It is a tribute to the French people here that they have been able to work with customers and develop such confidence in Grimsby 's service .
21 They did n't just acknowledge gracefully that they 'd been beaten , or perhaps even that they had been wrong , and welcome their Reporter back .
22 One could argue , then , that by July 1949 the battle lines had been drawn in Southeast Asia , and even that they had been drawn unilaterally , by the US .
23 One thing parents ca n't afford — especially our sort of parent — is that the whisper might be put about that they had been willing to toy with their own children 's safety .
24 I know they were not complacent about the Swiss because it was only a year earlier that they had been forced to come back from being two down to snatch a vital European point against them .
25 They did n't just acknowledge gracefully that they 'd been beaten , or perhaps even that they had been wrong , and welcome their Reporter back .
26 Any hollows or unevenness indicate either that they have been badly laid or have been affected by subsidence .
27 It 's only recently that they 've been doing more good than harm and it 's therefore ironic that people have tended to give so much publicity in the last twenty or thirty years to the things that have gone wrong , to the disasters which sometimes do happen with medicines , because really medicines now , as compared with thirty or forty years ago , are doing a tremendous amount of good .
28 He did admit afterwards that they had been carried away by trying to make a quick breakthrough and had bowled badly , but it still left an unpleasant taste .
29 Only one member crossed the floor during the discussion and only two or three others indicated afterwards that they had been persuaded to change their minds .
30 She probably knew too that they had been none too fond of Granny when she 'd been alive .
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