Example sentences of "[adv] for [pers pn] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 I took a last look round , then only had to kick the top edge of the kite up a little for it to take the wind and lift .
2 Outside the door he paused long enough for her to fit the key into the lock .
3 ‘ Someone whose family is rich enough for her to meet the Khedive .
4 He sat beside her , close enough for her to feel the heat from his body .
5 He paused for an instant , just long enough for her to register the warning reflected in his eyes .
6 It was long enough for him to persuade the Royal College of Music that his talent was worth taking seriously .
7 Nowhere near big enough for him to finance the war on his own , especially as he gives such a lot to charity .
8 It had been tricky enough for him to help the women to whom he had no commitment even though he felt the deepest pity for them , but to help McAllister , whom he loved so dearly — how was he to do that ?
9 She tried however to pin her thoughts on other matters and , recalling that Ven had only returned to Mariánské Láznë in order to pick up some papers , she realised that , since they were important enough for him to make the four-hour return journey , he must want them to hand over to someone else .
10 In general we could surmise some possible causes : lack of clear guidance either in ‘ help routines ’ within the program or as printed instructions in the documentation accompanying the program — lack of preparation , ie , reading the documentation , which may suggest the demands are too high for most teachers ( teacher 's guides are rarely read ) — poor ‘ driving system ’ within the actual program , ie , the central organization of the system does not match teachers ' needs — poor ‘ driving system ’ that either confuses the teacher through its complexity or , at the other extreme , is not flexible enough for him to achieve the flow of his planned lesson — poor ‘ driving system ’ that interrupts the presentation of relevant displays with detailed control instructions on the screen .
11 He managed to detain her long enough for them to tether the horses , because there would be no sense in coming out of the Workshops ( with , or without the prisoner ) and finding that the horses had turned their heads for Tara and that they had to walk the rest of the way to the Fire Court .
12 The Philistines ' camp is close enough for them to hear the noise , and when they learn its meaning they are afraid and say , ‘ A god has come into the camp . ’
13 I found the sack very comfortable considering the simplicity of the back system and was pleased to find that it was long enough for me to use the waist belt properly .
14 In use I found the sack comfortable and stable to carry with the back just long enough for me to use the hip belt , which was functional , if a little basic .
15 IT IS normally gratifying enough for me to hit the ball in the air and in the general direction of the green .
16 His jaw hung open , and he was near enough for me to see the rain dashing from his face — when lightning showed him at all .
17 It could be an oversight , but it 's enough for me to put the law on his trail . ’
18 ‘ But it does not — not enough for us to dictate the nature of our surroundings . ’
19 Walk the boat out until the water is deep enough for you to put the daggerboard down far enough so that you 'll be able to sail away .
20 if the sentences are too long to manage , first record the sentences phrase by phrase , i.e. : record the dialogue sentence by sentence with a pause long enough for you to mimic , then having LH repeat the sentence , i.e. : record the first phrase or word of each sentence with a pause long enough for you to produce the whole sentence ( i.e. with cue/prompt ) .
21 Long enough for you to get the actress and the phoney doctor away from the sanatorium . ’
22 The noise may be loud enough for you to feel the vibration : the disco seems to hit more than one 's ear — the very room vibrates !
23 Looking someone in the eye while saying : ‘ Please would you do this ’ extends the transaction enough for you to gauge the person 's reaction and therefore mood .
24 An expatriate Iranian satirist , Hadi Khorsandi , later claimed in fun to have had the ear of Rafsanjani , who told him that his discussions with McFarlane ‘ were meant only for him to practise the English language … all the contacts he had had with Americans over the past year had been made for the purpose of learning irregular verbs . ’
25 It is a mere trifle ; it is only for us to keep the fruits of the victory that they have won ’ ( Liverpool , 1903 ) .
26 He went downstairs with Dr Darnell and two others , and pulled aside the cloth just sufficiently for her to see the visible part of the face .
27 But he admits that his self-control snapped sufficiently for him to signal the score , 3-1 to West Ham .
28 Despite recession , the pre-tax total of £801 million was just £151 million short of the record profits struck in 1989 and the new chairman , Sir Robin Ibbs , said : ‘ One has to be a super pessimist to think the current year will be worse than the last one , ’ though he warned that ‘ it is too soon for me to predict the extent or timing of the recovery ’ .
29 But it is too soon for him to face the likes of Devon Malcolm , and Fletcher said the tour selectors would not consider him for the pipe opener in Faridabad .
30 But I came to feel it would be a step backwards for me to abort the pregnancy , that it would n't be moving my life forward .
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