Example sentences of "[adv] for the [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 He found another vessel whose captain ( a Scot ) was prepared to sign him on for the voyage to New York .
2 For the patterns in the basic pack and the pattern libraries , the left hand light on the 580 and the EC1 ( or the right hand on earlier models ) must be on for the effect to be what the designer intended .
3 Détournement and dérive ( drifting ) are thus reclaimed in terms of their contemporary relevance , or rather for the extent to which they influenced punk and the camp and erudite artistic radicalism which exploited it .
4 However , even in nominally constant-density flows it may be possible to introduce density differences which are large enough to allow the use of one of these techniques whilst keeping the internal Froude number high enough for the flow to be unaffected .
5 Consider for example the case when Ri becomes large enough for the turbulence to be suppressed in the outer region , so that the Reynolds stress becomes small there .
6 Fuel tanks were drained , leaving only enough for the pilot to taxi to the Queen Mary loading point where any surplus fuel would then be completely drained .
7 This should be accurate enough for the findspot to be plotted on a map and for someone else to be able to find the location .
8 When it was late enough for the embassy to be fully staffed , Agnes called to say she probably would n't be in , but could perhaps be contacted at the motel number .
9 The top shelf needs to be high enough for the monitor to be seen from the back of the room over rows of heads .
10 On May 7 the Slovak National Council voted 73-59 in favour of a declaration of sovereignty of the Slovak Republic , but a previous procedural decision that a three-fifths majority was required to amend the Constitution meant that the margin was not large enough for the declaration to be adopted .
11 The mere fact of Alfred 's death , whoever took the call , would be enough for the team to be sent and the police surgeon informed .
12 If you wanted to cut from a wide shot to a close-up , you had to cut away to another camera long enough for the lens to be swung round into position and refocussed .
13 He endorsed the aims of contributing to the raising of all pupils ' achievement through and beyond the national curriculum , of improving pupils ' motivation and increasing their participation in education , of preparing pupils better for the transition to further education , training or employment — and , all important in the preparation and review of management plans , of helping schools to consider how well their curriculum , teaching and organization enabled pupils to develop their all-round potential ( DES 1990b ) .
14 Then it was Dean Saunders , only for the pairing to be broken up with his Wales partner 's recent move to Villa .
15 The young man watched him very warily indeed , waiting only for the chance to be off .
16 But a strong mid-season run of top finishes and two crashes from Kocinski shot him into the title lead , only for the crown to be snatched away from him in Australia .
17 He was rewarded with a victory over Sri Lanka , and then chosen to lead the team to India , only for the tour to be cancelled because of the South African connections of himself and several members of the party .
18 On England 's next tour in 1985–6 , Guyana was carefully omitted from the itinerary , and it would be nine years before they returned — only for the Test to be washed out completely .
19 If she had known of how the Greeks slaughtered the bearers of bad tidings she might have taken longer to decide it was her duty , but , as it was , she saw no need to fear for herself , only for the person to whom she would relate the devastating news .
20 He wanted only for the light to be put out , he waited only for darkness and sleep .
21 After fourteen minutes , Walston Ricketts looked to have set up Wayne Holden , only for the goalkeeper to superbly have the ball spin off him for a corner .
22 First , there is no denying the tragedy of separated Christians , and I for one long for the Church to be one .
23 Maurice was deserted , Maurice having been invited , as he quite often was , to go down for the day to Brighton .
24 Many old galvanised cisterns will have rusted sufficiently for the water to be leaking through and showing damp patches on the ceiling .
25 People 's natural prejudices may be aroused by this prospect alone , sufficiently for the idea to be rejected , but it must be made clear why EMU is undesirable for Britain and for Europe .
26 Then , as the fog , rain and snow persisted , it was further delayed ; then again and again , until at dawn on 21 February the weather and visibility improved sufficiently for the bombardment to be opened .
27 Sara suddenly understood why James might have been brought along for the week-end to Moorlake .
28 The maximum diameter of this window , at the equator , is about 150° of longitude — so for the satellite to be able , say , to ‘ see ’ Singapore on the very western periphery of what one might call ‘ the economists ’ Pacific' — a definition we will consider m- a moment — its window must end in the east somewhere near the longitude of Mexico City .
29 He was heading for the North Sea coast , which he would cross near Terschelling then follow for a while before turning in for the approach to Aalborg .
30 Day Three : After an overnight berth in Bad Schandau , your cruise continues at 6.00am for the cruise to Usti , arriving around 4.00pm .
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