Example sentences of "[adv] for [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Only Mr Kenneth Baker , secretary of state for education , said promptly , ’ more money and put in successfully for a rise in the science-research budget .
2 He congratulates himself , however , on auditioning successfully for a part in this Parisian cinema .
3 As the Potato Marketing Board has for many years worked successfully for the benefit of processors , consumers and producers , does he agree that any proposals to scrap the PMB should be strongly resisted ?
4 None of Offa 's immediate forebears had been king of the Mercians and Offa himself is another example ( like Aethelbald ) of an aetheling competing successfully for the kingship from outside the innermost core of royal power .
5 Because advertising revenue is now critical , a paper or TV channel catering successfully for the views of the poor or the unemployed would soon go bankrupt , whereas those meeting the minority tastes of the wealthy remain financially sound .
6 Although this is not accepted widely among the medical profession , there are many reports of it being used successfully for the treatment of hyperactive children .
7 Following the recent and much-lamented demolition of the Firestone Factory by Trafalgar House , we pressed successfully for the listing of the School of Music .
8 She ran successfully for the Vice-Presidentship of the Student Union .
9 Having seen Freddie Kurz ‘ guest ’ successfully for the Palace during the War seasons of 1944–46 , including scoring a hat-trick on his Palace debut against Queens Park Rangers on 28 August 1944 ( 7–4 ) , Palace supporters of the period petitioned the Board to secure the free-scoring centre-forward on a permanent basis .
10 Agreement had been secured locally for the deployment of 500 armed UN peacekeeping troops in the capital , Mogadishu , and on Aug. 28 the UN had approved the deployment of an additional 3,000 troops .
11 Make arrangements satisfactory to patients and staff locally for the closure over the next ten years or so of those mental illness hospitals which are not well placed to provide a service reaching out into the community and are already near the end of their useful life .
12 A small charge is made locally for the use of the showers .
13 Cos the we er did get people contacting the office to say I 've got a lump sum , I 'd like to put it somewhere for a couple of years , and er we always wondered why they 're thinking of a couple of years .
14 If not , she could try to find somewhere for a cup of tea .
15 The design of the area will depend upon whether you have a practical room available ( dissection , if you are including this , will require hand washing facilities ) , a reading area and somewhere for the provision of supplementary reading , and whether the library can be used .
16 Thus , within the discipline of literature , there must be a place not only for poetry , but also for nineteenth-century German poetry , and a place somewhere for the use of fibre optics in cable television .
17 Not being for the direct benefit of a particular class of persons it is in the general enlightened opinion of the time wholly for the benefit of the community , although such benefit be intangible .
18 Management would not be entitled to interest relief on loans to contribute capital to a partnership which acquires a company because the loans would not be " used wholly for the purposes of a trade carried on by the partnership " ( see s362 ( 1 ) ( b ) ) .
19 The most troubling of these measures is the first , which is presumably for the benefit of the security services .
20 The thermometer watch can measure either air or water temperature — presumably for the benefit of winter swimmers .
21 But these commissions , mostly for the originals of jokes and cartoons which Willis had managed in former times to sell to magazines , had grown fewer and fewer in the last ten years , as , indeed , had the drawings themselves .
22 One small room shows a splendid set of Rubens sketches , of scenes from the Metamorphoses of Ovid , done mostly for the King of Spain 's hunting-lodge .
23 Most of our panel do the job on a semi-voluntary basis , mostly for the love of the hobby , and out of concern for the welfare of fish in general .
24 He went to Italy on his own and eventually made himself pick up a girl in Rome , mostly for the sake of having someone to speak his new Italian to , but she thought his intense shyness some sort of perversion and kicked him out .
25 Perhaps it is seeking to increase the audience , or perhaps it was lead astray for a while by the fact that , during the Conservative leadership contest , the exciting politics at Westminster were not in the Chamber .
26 What one found in the stricter forms of feudalism was an attempt to organize landed wealth more directly and coherently for the recruitment of knights .
27 Matters went awry for the Allies from the start .
28 Four ‘ change-facilitating factors ’ are picked out by Ramon ; heavy and unchanging reliance on segregated institutions ; the existence of a minority of psychiatrists prepared to act politically ( while not having the desire to act in a party political framework ) ; the autonomous nature of the regions leading to more enthusiastic reform beginning in socialist and communist areas ; and perhaps most importantly for the concerns of this book ,
29 This is not simply for the purpose of recouping capital costs , but more importantly for the purpose of generating huge profits for the private sector developers .
30 The social sciences took up the challenge and , importantly for the development of International Relations , paraded economics as an exemplary application of scientific method to human affairs .
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