Example sentences of "[adv] it [vb past] [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Just a few hours ago we were dancing and enjoying ourselves but suddenly it had become a dance of death , ’ said a survivor .
2 Ellwood wondered how the search for Tessa was going and how long it had taken the Department to close the story down .
3 Perhaps it had happened the way Donna said .
4 If only it had come a few years earlier .
5 Nevertheless it had broken the thread by which the country had been tied to France and although it might be claimed that , as in Burma during the war or in Indonesia at the end of the war , it was a spurious independence and part of Japanese mischief making , nevertheless Vietnam was now in a formal sense independent if not exactly free .
6 Soon it had become a continuous deluge as if countless buckets of black ink were being emptied from the sky above them .
7 Although it was falling down , somehow it had planted an image in people 's minds — it was a faded old dowager , but still rather a favourite aunt . "
8 Thus , recognition by Her Majesty 's Government was the decisive matter and the courts had no role save to inquire of the executive whether or not it had recognised the government in question .
9 Already it had cost the lives of seventeen men from the Hispaniola .
10 Already it had whipped the shallow water inside the reef into short seas , white-capped and capable of stopping the big cat in its tracks if he had tried sailing for the far point and Belpan City .
11 By the second century B.C. it had become a large square surrounded by imposing buildings .
12 Monotype said yesterday it had received an approach ‘ which may or may not lead to an offer ’ from Mirror Group Newspapers .
13 Disney said yesterday it had reached a settlement with one group of contractors for an undisclosed sum .
14 Amerada Hess , working in partnership with Premier Consolidated Oilfields , said yesterday it had recorded a flow of up to 12,340 barrels per day from the well which was drilled to 9,280ft .
15 Iraq said yesterday it had launched a 48-tonne three-stage rocket into space and announced the local manufacture of new long-range missiles .
16 Iraq said yesterday it had launched a 48-tonne three-stage rocket into space and announced the local manufacture of new long-range missiles .
17 Now it had produced a man who seemed capable of duplicating that feat in the vast Lenin Stadium in Moscow .
18 Did n't they all know about the terrible appearance of the Conablaiche last time , and how it had prowled the country , snatching sleeping children from their beds and tearing out their hearts for its Dark Master .
19 This noticeboard had already played a significant part in my life : nearly thirty years before then it had displayed the result of my own first degree ( second-class honours ) ; a few years later had come the perfunctory notice saying my doctoral thesis had been accepted by the college ; and shortly after that an even briefer note to the effect that I had joined the teaching staff .
20 Yet by then it had gained the distinction — shared only with Guynemer 's squadron of the Cigognes — of being entitled to wear the shoulder lanyard of a twice cited unit .
21 The excavator noted that domestic rubbish had been tipped inside the precinct because , either it had become a convenient dumping ground , or there had been an attempt at deliberate desecration , as happened at a later date in the orchestra of the Verulamium temple theatre .
22 Savory Milln should have been aware that Mr Ferriday would try and cover his liabilities from whatever funds he had access to , yet it had made no inquiries as to the source of the £13.5m or how Mr Ferriday had managed to meet his own underwriting obligations .
23 Yet it had become a point of honour not to tell him about Lori .
24 As he rode away , Seb thought it had been a very small lie , yet it had brought an expression of joy to Melody 's face that he would never forget .
25 However it had had the effect of making her very careful , after her own children were born , about the way she spoke to them .
26 Its origins were Queen Anne but it had been remodelled several times , most radically at the turn of the century when it had become the holiday home of a London architect .
27 In local elections on Dec. 17 , 1989 [ see also p. 37197 ] , the PSD won 31.46 per cent of the vote ( as compared with 50.2 per cent in the July 1987 general election when it had become the only party in the post-1974 era to secure an absolute parliamentary majority — see pp. 35388-90 ) .
28 This account could only be drawn on when it had reached an estimated $1,000 million and would be for the purpose of purchasing the external debt bonds of Argentina 's creditor banks .
29 The Supreme Soviet immediately approved the decree , in contrast to its response in October 1991 when it had overturned the state of emergency imposed by the Russian administration in an attempt to subdue a rebellion in Chechnia [ see p. 38582-83 ] .
30 Some of the money raised would provide a Christmas party and disco for the children ; Anne remembered when it had provided a day out at Redcar .
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