Example sentences of "[adv] it [vb past] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Just a few hours ago we were dancing and enjoying ourselves but suddenly it had become a dance of death , ’ said a survivor .
2 The hon. Member for Sheffield , Brightside ( Mr. Blunkett ) raised the question of how much it cost to collect a tonne of rubbish in one place as opposed to another .
3 He even began to wonder just how much it cost to rent a shop in Chelsea .
4 We moved it once and apparently it had to go a zoo after that cos when we moved it back it was about twelve foot long , and then of course it g grew even larger than that .
5 Apparently it involved developing the muscles of the pelvic floor .
6 If the answer is still no , then you really need to think hard about how long it took to produce the material and whether that expenditure of time was justified .
7 It surprised me how long it took to make the change to HTV .
8 Ellwood wondered how the search for Tessa was going and how long it had taken the Department to close the story down .
9 Perhaps it had happened the way Donna said .
10 If only it had come a few years earlier .
11 For it was she who told herself that nothing was to be gained at this moment by recrimination , that Sir George 's land and influence at Stockton were still big assets ( though nowhere near worth the price at which they had been bought ) , and that a moping Sir George — a sackcloth-ashes flagellant — could be all it needed to bring the whole structure of confidence tumbling down .
12 So it had to have a structure .
13 So it failed to turn the heating element off … and the oil was boiled up to 185 degrees centigrade … turning the liquid into explosive vapour .
14 The Pill seemed to symbolise the free woman — sexy and single , and so it seemed to prefigure the women 's liberation movement 's quest for pleasure and independence .
15 Nevertheless it had broken the thread by which the country had been tied to France and although it might be claimed that , as in Burma during the war or in Indonesia at the end of the war , it was a spurious independence and part of Japanese mischief making , nevertheless Vietnam was now in a formal sense independent if not exactly free .
16 Soon it began to create the steady whine that she had come to associate with this strange instrument .
17 Soon it had become a continuous deluge as if countless buckets of black ink were being emptied from the sky above them .
18 Although it was falling down , somehow it had planted an image in people 's minds — it was a faded old dowager , but still rather a favourite aunt . "
19 Thus , recognition by Her Majesty 's Government was the decisive matter and the courts had no role save to inquire of the executive whether or not it had recognised the government in question .
20 Already it had cost the lives of seventeen men from the Hispaniola .
21 Already it had whipped the shallow water inside the reef into short seas , white-capped and capable of stopping the big cat in its tracks if he had tried sailing for the far point and Belpan City .
22 By the second century B.C. it had become a large square surrounded by imposing buildings .
23 Monotype said yesterday it had received an approach ‘ which may or may not lead to an offer ’ from Mirror Group Newspapers .
24 Disney said yesterday it had reached a settlement with one group of contractors for an undisclosed sum .
25 Amerada Hess , working in partnership with Premier Consolidated Oilfields , said yesterday it had recorded a flow of up to 12,340 barrels per day from the well which was drilled to 9,280ft .
26 Iraq said yesterday it had launched a 48-tonne three-stage rocket into space and announced the local manufacture of new long-range missiles .
27 Iraq said yesterday it had launched a 48-tonne three-stage rocket into space and announced the local manufacture of new long-range missiles .
28 Now it had produced a man who seemed capable of duplicating that feat in the vast Lenin Stadium in Moscow .
29 Thirdly it seemed to represent the beginnings of the healing of the relationship between God and humanity .
30 Today it had to cancel a matinee performance through lack of interest .
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