Example sentences of "[adv] it [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Naturally it has different applications in different contexts .
2 The man collapsed against the wall and slid down it making gurgling noises .
3 Nevertheless , Benelux did advance further than other proposals for economic union , such as that toyed at in 1945 and again in 1948 by France and Italy , and perhaps it offered valuable lessons that could be learnt by future attempts in the same direction .
4 Daily it devours whole forests and countless hours of sweated labour .
5 Thus it relates total costs ( in the numerator ) to attributable costs ( in the denominator ) .
6 Thus it involves massive amounts of reporting , in person or on paper , to keep everyone up to date :
7 Even if you are mouse phobe you should at least give it a try because you might be surprised at how easy it makes common operations .
8 Moreover it houses Religious Studies students who make use not only of classes within the faculty but also of courses in the Arts Faculty which specialise in cultures and religions other than Christian .
9 And yet a powerful fire must have started so quickly it gave poor Cosmas no time even to get out of bed . ’
10 What is more it had gold tassels , a feature only found in America , nowhere else in the Salvation Army world .
11 The transnational capitalist class is a bridge between the nation-state and the global system and the more assiduously it brings transnational practices into what were once the realm of the regional or the national , then the more faithfully it serves the interests of the system .
12 Inevitably it has qualitative differences and is not easily written or smoothly integrated into the ‘ isms ’ or historical categories of the discipline .
13 Yeah , it 's out of print , and erm , but I though it raised interesting issues , anyway .
14 The family living room is filled with bulkly materials which create dust and refuse , and often it stores dangerous glues and solvents and sharp instruments hwich have to be guarded from the children .
15 Of course , today it has romantic overtones .
16 Luckily it had short sleeves , and she knew that the subtle shade of pale aquamarine suited her colouring .
17 Such an approach is not at all for the sake of establishing some banal historical continuity , or of demonstrating a universal homogeneity of narrative ; rather it allows precise tracings of specific historical shifts and distinct orderings of narrative and the novelistic , generic responses to historical , technological and social re-orderings .
18 He also points out , in passing , that various questions of the sort which have cropped up in earlier chapters of this book , such as whether matter can think , and how it produces mental sensations , ‘ are entirely banished from philosophy ’ by the adoption of immaterialism .
19 ‘ I could see what he was thinking , so I started talking about love , how it means different things to different people , and that 's when he said it . ’
20 To find out how it affects Scottish farmers one need go no further than my constituency .
21 Henry went on to point out the evils of sweated labour and the pay make-up system , how it fostered a disinclination to work and how it encouraged landless men to marry just so that their income would be augmented ‘ in proportion to the number of their children ’ , and how it led to degradation of the character : ‘ The weak , the indolent , and worthless worker is now secure of the maximum payment settled by the standards you have determined from parish funds , and the industrious , skilful and honest workman can expect no more … the pernicious and demoralising practice of paying wages out of rates … ought to be suppressed and prohibited . ’
22 It sums up how it carries large loads .
23 Sometimes it entails tracking trends , events , or activities that the organisation accidentally becomes aware of or which are brought to the organisation 's attention by outsiders .
24 Maybe it opens emotional wounds .
25 If this is the case then it raises serious concerns about the commitment of the EC to reducing the range of economic prosperity within its boundaries .
26 There 's er a collar and a what they call a which is a protein tube and then it has various spikes at the end that make it stick on to the outside of the bacteria .
27 The society 's earlier style of spelling reform was certainly difficult , cumbersome and ludicrous in appearance ; but at least it provided consistent digraphs ( that is , pairs of letters for single sounds ) to replace the traditional ambiguous digraphs sh , th , aw , oo .
28 If such propitiation did not result in the sewing-up of any chinks , at least it stopped new chinks from showing through .
29 Instead it had different functions .
30 Significantly , the camera does not require costly special cooling yet it achieves thermal resolutions comparable with current , cooled images .
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