Example sentences of "[adv] to the [adj] of " in BNC.

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1 I had it down to the finest of details .
2 ‘ It looks as if it is probably down to the two of us , ’ said Grindley .
3 Thankfully there were no injuries and he and Ave Barlow managed to make it down to the best of the mountain safely .
4 As we sat down to the first of many repetitive meals of salted fish and ground corn , I broached the question of finding a prahu which might carry us as far as Aru .
5 There is another strand to the Economic theory of regulation , which is that once the agency has an objective , those charged with carrying out the policies do so to the best of their ability .
6 And so to the first of our summer sporting specials .
7 And so to the last of the Sicilian references , 109/774 :
8 The three men , talking earnestly , walked together to the largest of the huts and disappeared inside .
9 Again the ball of flame rolled out but this time , as the dragon 's neck muscles contracted , its colour faded from orange to yellow , from yellow to white , and finally to the faintest of blues .
10 I 'm here for one reason — to do a job , and I mean to carry it through to the best of my ability , with or without your approval .
11 I 'll be very , very brief erm we can not fall back the control of the country which even the highest rate of recycling that a number of them have already achieved the Government recycling target so now you 've aimed er , I think it 's something rich it more or less stands for er , I would see the role of the County is essentially is co-ordination between the various waste collection authorities through to the greater of the extense of
12 He walked bravely over to the nearest of the shapes .
13 Guy urged the horse over to the largest of the mean shelters and dismounted .
14 He would thus have been guilty of perjury if he had submitted them when they were not to the best of his knowledge correct and complete .
15 " I Charles Gillingham Hamilton M.A. of Stockport in the Borough of Stockport and County of Chester , Clerk , a Clergyman of the Church of England , in priest 's orders and a Graduate of the University of Dublin declare that I will discharge always to the best of my ability the duties of Headmaster of the Stockport Grammar and Free School , and that in case I shall he removed from my Office I will thereupon relinquish all claim to the Office and its future emoluments and I will deliver up possession of the School and my residence to the Trustees and that it shall be lawful for them in the same case without ejectment or other legal process to take possession of my residence and remove myself and my effects therefrom . "
16 Thanks also to the 400 of you who entered last month 's word search .
17 The labour test was unattractive both to the many of the unemployed , because it impaired their skills and prevented their seeking work elsewhere , and to Poor Law administrators , because discipline was difficult to maintain in the stoneyards .
18 They moved on , following it up to the first of the ruined buildings .
19 He did n't feel up to the mildest of rebuffs from her ; he seemed to have gone back to a relationship like an adolescent infatuation , reading rejection in the most innocent of her actions .
20 If anything does happen , it 'll be up to the three of you to deal with it . ’
21 It will only look at the premium status up to the fifteenth of the month , it wo n't take into consideration when so recall 's gone through on the sixteenth of the month .
22 Now to the second of our reports on the changing nature of farming .
23 Now to the second of our special reports on the region 's brewing industry .
24 Now to the second of our reports from HMS Gloucester , which has been helping to enforce the United Nations sanctions against Serbia .
25 We turn now to the third of the imperatives that shape the bargaining climate : the political context .
26 And now to the third of our special reports to find out what businesses from our region are learning from the Florida experience .
27 The benefits became clearer as companies , like the multinational Philips , fired their workers and contracted work out , often to the hundreds of small outfits that had sprung up in the surrounding Lima shanty towns of Villa El Salvador , Comas , or Independencia .
28 At least Gooch had the consolation of getting out to the best of the home bowlers , and to a man who is coached by former Indian captain , Kapil Dev .
29 The company is also hoping to exploit the link to pump its own programmes out to the thousands of mainstream and cable stations in America .
30 I filled the plastic detergent-bottle and primed the lighter , left it lying on the top of the bank most of the rabbit holes were in , then went back to the first of the blocked-up holes and lit the fuse with my disposable cigarette-lighter .
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