Example sentences of "[adv] in [det] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Omar believed we would do better in this lowland country if we used camels rather than mules .
2 The advantage is that the kite itself is free of the high frequency vibrations which occur naturally in all kite flying lines ; but a fast shutter speed takes care of this problem in most instances .
3 There would be time enough in more clement days to come .
4 So in that way Mother bade farewell to Low Birk Hatt .
5 The draftsman should give consideration to doing so in all renewal leases ( see Form 15 ) but if this is done , the tenant 's adviser must ensure that all necessary ancillary rights are expressly granted by the lease .
6 The mechanisation of agriculture and industry is cutting work opportunities , so in many cases living standards are declining .
7 Usually , self-motivated professionals require little supervision and so in such circumstances spans of control can be large .
8 So in this case space is infinite .
9 The second , ‘ tailor-making ’ , definition relies on whether the tax is sensitive to the particular ( economic ) characteristics of the taxpayer , so in this definition sales taxes of varying rates on different goods and services would be indirect , i.e. independent of who is the buyer or seller .
10 There are usually very many muscles — up to 2000 or so in some Lepidopteran larvae — and the system is bilaterally symmetrical .
11 Gas bubbles in any liquid tend to rise to the surface , so in any basalt lava flow , it is only the top part which is likely to have a honeycomb texture .
12 Despite her criticism of their dancing they knew she cared for them and always stepped in in any family crisis :
13 Scattering emanates from these centres , created by local density fluctuations , which produce changes in in any volume element .
14 Not only in this case will knowledge of the work itself be required , but the necessity for case management and monitoring will also need to be addressed ( see further Chapter 3 ) .
15 Only in this case can breathing and heartbeat continue independently of the patient 's own ability to sustain them .
16 Only in this case Italians do not want to stop the flood — on the contrary , it is seen as the first real chance to clean out the corruption which is endemic in the system .
17 Not only in this fumigation method gaining wide recognition in the U.K. but throughout the world the bubble is being marketed under the Rentokil patent and is available in the U.S.A. through B & G Inc .
18 for Community law does not exist only in some faraway place but forms part of our national legal system .
19 At the moment , at least , it seems that gravity can be unified with the other physical interactions only in some supergravity theory .
20 Despite a county-wide increase unemployment was down in several North Yorkshire towns .
21 Organic molecules broken down in this way release virtually as much energy as they are capable of releasing — so such ‘ oxidative ’ breakdown is extremely efficient .
22 The figure shows that the rates of caesarean sections , epidural anaesthesia , and forceps and vacuum extractions went down in some maternity units but increased in most of them .
23 The 1947 Electricity Act laid down in some detail procedures for matters such as capital authorisations from the Ministry and the relative spheres of interest of Central Authority and Area Boards , but on the major questions of business policy the industry had a relatively free hand , subject only to a requirement to consult the Minister on matters of broad policy .
24 Hewn down in some thug battle ,
25 They are of two different types , mechanical protection works and agronomic methods , although they are usually used together in any soil conservation project .
26 The village was , as she had thought , a dump , where time was whittled away in some vintage manner .
27 And it 's all written down and stored away in some bank vault in the city . ’
28 Although manpower costs in petrochemicals are extremely low by comparative business standards , averaging around six to seven per cent , nevertheless in that area costs of effectively trained manpower are much higher in the Middle East than they are in Europe .
29 Nevertheless in most regions sheep and wheat complemented each other : commons were auctioned to sheep-owners by municipalities , and fallows by peasants , from the harvest until September .
30 For now , such notions of bigness play well in political circles but thankfully not in all banking ones .
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