Example sentences of "[adv] a [noun sg] [prep] [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 If it is any consolation , the whole question of arrangement seems just as much a problem for people with enviably rare and valuable collections as it is for those with hardly enough to call a collection of anything .
2 This is as much a consequence of data on households being more easily available as necessarily a reflection of real differences between household and non-household kin .
3 Apparently a lot of people were outraged , and the switchboard jammed , but as one critic pointed out , it would have been more extraordinary if he had behaved like a bank manager .
4 It is basically a call for people , oppressed people , to have more control over their own lives , to shape their world and to use modern resources and technology to do so .
5 It was basically a group of people who happened to be around but very soon we all had titles and were constantly organising and re-organising the creating divisions and systems and methods .
6 Ah , that 's within the training , but if you got ta , if you 're gon na train somebody or especially a group of people you 've got ta have some objective that is specific .
7 Naturally a lot of people are scared witless of getting on Microsoft 's blacklist and will only cooperate under subpoena rather than appear to be volunteering information .
8 Bass , for example , requires a tenant to put down a deposit of £1,000 before he can even contemplate arbitration .
9 Back home , I took down a catalogue of works by Leslie Hakim-Dowek , one of the artists exhibiting in the show .
10 A children 's party will go down well with a background fragrance of bergamot , orange or lemon , and perhaps a touch of geranium .
11 That it 's actually trying to enforce a pattern of family life that perhaps a lot of people do n't want ?
12 So there 's obviously a tradition of people of the quarry men and the quarry owners talking to each other .
13 At the time the name seemed just too obviously a snipe at rdbms rival Oracle Corp , which began rolling out its delayed Release 7 over the course of 1992 : Sybase 's current release name is 4.9 , and there seemed no logical reason to start calling anything out of the fast-growing system software supplier 's warehouses ‘ System 10 . ’
14 Obviously a lot of people are travelling too fast , ’ a spokesman said .
15 T er erm moving onto erm the area of erm , the fact that obviously a lot of people round here have got very limited incomes .
16 ‘ There were obviously a lot of people there when it took place .
17 Well , it 's something er I mean obviously a lot of people like the idea of going over to the Swindon Oasis , now er we 've had at the back of our minds , if it was at all possible to er put something similar at Didcot , obviously nothing as grand as the Oasis , but something quite similar , and obviously they would come to Didcot and not bother to go over to Swindon .
18 What I 'm , what I 'm trying to do is , is just er highlight er paths where they are , and , and , and drawing people 's attention to er to , to rights of way in the county , er obviously a lot of people probably would n't be , maybe people that 've just moved into the area , that sort of thing , people like myself who were n't too familiar with Oxfordshire before , er those sort of people probably would n't be aware without a book like this that there were a lot of paths on their doorstep , and some very pleasant countryside as well .
19 They 've only been elected to nineteen ninety two , so they 're , they 're really , what there doing there forcing people to take some action now , because at Kathy says , she 's afraid of being left out , if there should be a , another Tory Government , so a lot of people are in the same position , they will be putting in eh , I think they just call it best of interest , not a proper application , but then if the whole lot , hundreds of us come along , which is quite likely they will , the Government will say well this proves that everybody wants to become you see , so it 's rather clever move , erm , as , as far as I 'm concerned , what 's happening with that she is eh here within the hospital , the consultant 's and the worker 's in the hospital .
20 The wa the river water 's very very polluted there , so a lot of people got tummy bugs and we slept er on the side of the river in little tents and erm we did n't discover till afterwards , two things , one thing was that the little holes that we saw in the sand were actually scorpion holes
21 Oxford has four meetings a week … that 's forty four races … and they run all year round … they 're are 48 tracks up and down the country … so a lot of people are getting a lot of enjoyment …
22 So a lot of people have been put off have they do you think
23 So a lot of people quite understandably say , ‘ The media is something which is best kept out of here and if they 're coming I shall hide under the table ’ and so on .
24 Two other businesses , Leada Acrow and Initial Ireland , brought in a total of £12 million .
25 Christmas fillers you see , so I , she , cos I 've , I 'm going to make a couple of fruit cakes , I said well I was going to bring in a couple of fruit cakes and said if you need them not , if not I said I 'll take them back I thought no way is Sue gon na eat them , eat cakes like she did last year , or year before
26 They , they brought in a heap of people to disassemble these rockets and inspectors as er examined every , every part of the rockets .
27 They needed weapons badly so the Iraqis brought in a group of people including me .
28 But when BT introduced its computer service , it also brought in a charge of 43p per inquiry and , as a matter of policy , would not give addresses .
29 Levy costs 26p less a margin of 15p equals 11p .
30 The difficulty , from the defendant 's point of view , is that the two agreements , instead of imposing a joint liability on him and Miss Guile to pay a deposit of £80 and monthly payments of £73.32 , on their face imposed on each of them individual and separate obligations to pay only a deposit of £40 and monthly payments of only £86.66 .
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