Example sentences of "[adv] a [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Further upstream a cache of rubbish had been washed against the bank .
2 His wife had died suddenly a couple of years back .
3 Suddenly a wave of fear washed over her mind and she became tinglingly aware , as if she had n't realized it before , what danger they were in .
4 All that it takes is a little push , some minor inconvenience , a trifling price to pay for faith , some obligation or embarrassment involved in being a Christian , and suddenly a trail of doubts bubbles to the surface : ‘ Maybe after all …
5 The parent becomes more dependent , and with only small increases in the time and amount of care involved , there is suddenly a multiplicity of tasks until one has progressed unawares to the point of full-time caring . ’
6 Suddenly a posse of television men with lights , handheld cameras and furry sound-amplifiers like caterpillars on sticks arrived in front of Morris with Amaranth Wilikins in tow .
7 As she felt her way forward , suddenly a knight on horseback galloped past her .
8 Gosh , suddenly a lot of traffic .
9 Suddenly a hail of earth , stones , metal fragments , pieces of exhaust pipe and car door came down on us in a dust-covered mass .
10 It does n't say that solitude much a state of freedom as of imprisonment .
11 It is very much a case of caveat emptor .
12 It is not so much a case of Captain Bob as of Major John and Petty Officer Newton .
13 It is , then , not so much a case of ellipsis occurring in informal speech as of writing requiring a degree of elaboration that is not necessary in informal speech .
14 Yet however we may judge deviation , whether negatively or positively , being a social outsider is very much a case of non-conformity to the norms and regularities of discourse structure .
15 It was n't so much a case of thinking : he looks a lovely chappie .
16 With pressed flowers , it is very much a case of quality rather than quantity .
17 It was not so much a case of Glasgow getting worse as one of the rest of the country improving faster .
18 Though Masonry was always to be an element in the liberal forces — particularly in later non-socialist brands of Republicanism — it was never again , as it was from 1815 to 1820 , its chief framework ; even then it was not so much a system of belief as the only clandestine organization available for conspiracy .
19 Moreover , smoother driving is as much a characteristic of Tempo 30 as the lower overall speeds , as Döldissen has shown ( Figure 6.30 ) .
20 Leos Janacek 's On An Overgrown Path is very much a work of atmosphere and impressions .
21 We have felt very much a part of Queen 's Park during our 3 years in Glasgow , a lot of which is owed to our friends in the 2 fellowship groups which we have been involved with .
22 Flowers and plants are very much a part of Tricia 's work as a designer of beautiful fabrics and wallcoverings and over the years her job and her hobby have become complementary to one another .
23 AS EVERY student knows , affairs with lecturers are as much a part of university life as examination nerves , drunken parties and late night deliberations on the Romantic poets .
24 Knocker was now , in nineteen forty seven , as much a part of Purton as the breakwater .
25 The camps are historic , as much a part of history as Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili who was to take the name of Stalin .
26 This new chap , Dunbar , seemed to have become very much a part of Madeleine 's life ; Lady Debrace approved of him and obviously Aubrey liked him .
27 This island seems overrun with small black pigs ( animals so much a part of Tongan life that when Captain Cook presented a pair of hitherto unknown Guernsey cows to the King they were classified as ‘ Cook 's pigs ’ , and the name has stuck for cows ever since ) , and with Australian cruising ‘ yachties ’ who use the Niuas ( as Schouten and LeMaire once did ) as the formal port of entry to the kingdom .
28 As much a part of Middlesbrough as the Transporter Bridge .
29 Many police officers today , even in the higher ranks , can not remember carrying out their police duties without the assistance of the computer , and it is now as much a part of police back-up as the police car and police radio .
30 They are as much a part of Milan as La Scala or the Galleria Vittore Emmanuele .
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