Example sentences of "[adv] and [vb base] him [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Then you come in and blast him out . ’
2 He 's right next door to Reggie 's flats when you go down and pick him up
3 ‘ Sponge him down and turn him out , ’ Henry said .
4 I felt numb but I had to get back to his stable three miles away and tie him up .
5 But the playmaster himself came to look him over and turn him about and about , examining him through narrowed eyes and hearing over his lines .
6 Well you can drop him off and pick him up .
7 He let Coffin go up and drag him out .
8 ’ Well , look , spruce him up and send him in .
9 I heard you both the other day raising your voices , I think you stir him up and lead him on .
10 " We 're going to take him out and show him round . "
11 And at the same time the racing of her blood was only partly fear , and she could see that he knew it , that he had discovered this power and tuned it to performance pitch , that the insults were a kind of invitation , the display of force a plea turned upside down , and she also wanted , because she longed to please , to take off her clothes then and there and let him down from his prideful pose , and soothe him with her obedience to his rage .
12 Right up there and wheel him back and our Annie 'd say , Yeah and I 'd wheel him as well .
13 Caterina now faced the weeping Virgin determinedly and moved her lips as if praying ; she quailed when she realised that she would have to act the go-between again and seek him out alone once more .
14 The next minute three blokes come from nowhere and bash him up take his money and drive off in his car and take the girl .
15 He had had to fight for everything he had done , fight the people who wanted to wrap him up safely and wheel him out for a bit of ribbon-cutting and ceremonial .
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