Example sentences of "[adv] and [vb base] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 1 ( a ) From Moot Hall cross to Mill Inn opposite and take road to left of it , signposted A12 .
2 I am — look , why do n't we meet for a drink soon and talk face to face ?
3 The vandals broke into the house , piled the cooker with linen then switched it on and set light to it .
4 Turn right and continue east to the wall corner and then south-east to cross the stile at the edge of the woods .
5 PUTNEY buried one of its favourite sons yesterday and bore testament to a passing era .
6 The lightning blew the roof off and set fire to its timber frame .
7 And thousands of Ulster fans of Bono , the Edge , Larry and Adam flocked in droves to Dublin and Cork to see their heros in the flesh once more and pay homage to their idols .
8 Stand up straight and show respect to your superiors — or you will feel the irons of An Dap about your ankles again ! "
9 We 'll climb on up and get help to you .
10 Near the draw dock some longshoremen had heaped it up and set light to it , to clear the area .
11 One of Guinness Brewing Worldwide 's key strengths is the careful selection of such companies , those with excellent potential , which will take us into new markets or geographical areas , or consolidate our presence , and which can be integrated smoothly and add value to existing operations .
12 There was a whiffling noise and a beam of red light shot out and set fire to a patch of scrub several hundred yards away .
13 Dress well and wear make-up to the salon .
14 Anne Ballard often raids the larder to find food to bake rock hard and add texture to her dried flower arrangements .
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