Example sentences of "[adv] and [verb] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He sacrifices four lambs at the base of the li ga , then takes two inside and kills them by slitting open the throat and the chest and cutting off one of the forelegs at the shoulder , so the heart can be taken out , still pumping , and offered to the god on a plate on the dhāmi 's raised seat .
2 There did n't seem anything else to do except take them inside and put them in water .
3 Sometimes when the little ones were weakly or had been abandoned by their mothers , we would have to take them inside and feed them by hand .
4 They were side by side , and she rolled on to her back , arched herself to receive him as she stretched her legs outwards and clasped them round him .
5 Of all lights in the room these make the biggest difference and are a blessing since you can plug them in and put them behind plants , or in corners , or behind large pieces of furniture to give a beautiful , dramatic accent light , creating mood and interest that could never be imagined by day .
6 big triangles of cloth in and turn them into flares then ?
7 Mr Wilbraham , together with one of the Tace managers Don Hammond ( managing director , components ) , and James Carr ( now finance director ) stepped in and acquired them for a consideration of £4m .
8 He went in and fed them for us sometimes , to give us a break , and would phone us up if he thought there were any difficulties .
9 You can say that if they do n't keep to the agreed rules of the drama , then the magic will start to fail ; if they climb up the wall-bars when you have asked them not to , you can say that the magic only works when their feet are touching the ground , thus using the fiction of the drama to limit the space they work in and remind them through a dramatic device of those rules which you will have agreed before the lesson begins ( see also the section on " Control " in Chapter 4 ) .
10 Cabs , you used to jump in and drive them up the road cos there were no motor cars .
11 She pushed them down and left them on the floor .
12 She carried the ‘ things ’ down and put them in the boudoir , returning for the clothes which she had kicked aside which were still strewn upon the stairs .
13 I can take some down and put them in the cupboard .
14 Go through your drawers and anything you do n't need bring them down and throw them in the bin .
15 She wants me to take them down and swap them for one .
16 Why did n't Charles come down and join them at Mother Bunch 's ?
17 His back was smooth and firm , hot under her palms , and the muscles rippled as she slid her hands down and smoothed them over the slight swell of his hips .
18 You could write them down and give them to your next of kin or a close friend .
19 It is important to write these plans down and to keep them under review .
20 So he pulled all his strings , and although it was politically very sensitive , he got the Cypriots to close the Palestinians down and kick them off the island .
21 Just as physics and chemistry helped to modernize biology and moved it to centre stage during the past thirty years , I believe that biology is about to augment the social sciences greatly and move them to centre stage .
22 P.S. I think we left some skeletons in water , if so , tell James to take them out merely and lay them on the table to dry .
23 It 's just a matter of hoarding the tokens as you go along and exchanging them for a discount on your Enterprise 89/90 holiday .
24 With help from a tutor I finally put them together and fitted them into the cubic box I was given .
25 So that 's another situation and as we 'll talk about and I hinted at yesterday er the dreaded vote of thanks situation and the the er giving of the gold watch and er and the being a best man at a wedding or even a bride or groom at a wedding er again is a is a way of helping this Aldershot method is a way of helping you to get your thoughts together and put them across effectively .
26 He clipped the sheets together and put them into an envelope .
27 ‘ I put all the ingredients together and put them on individual plates , but lots of people helped get the lobster out of their shells , and Alfred made the mayonnaise .
28 If you do all that for us you can then get gather all those bits and pieces together and put them on your commission claim .
29 But she began to gather their limbs together and put them in order , head , body , arms and legs .
30 Right , will you please put your assessment sheet , which is what we have done and your graph together and put them in the centre of the table , at the end of the lesson I 'm going to have those in centre of the table no I do n't want those , they go in your file .
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