Example sentences of "[adv] and [verb] with a " in BNC.

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1 She spent two weeks inside and returned with a vast stack of photocopied originals and a bill for the astronomical sum of f25 .
2 The opponent may move in and strike with a roundhouse kick to the head and the first-time fighter may not actually see it coming .
3 Yet it should have been better for , needing only to hit the 18th green with a sand wedge he went into a bunker , failed to get up and down and ended with a bogey five .
4 Jason looked down and fiddled with a pencil on his desk .
5 Lissa 's mouth shaped her distaste , and she put her cup down and realised with a start that Adam was saying something .
6 When a son or daughter decides to settle down and live with a partner for the foreseeable future , rather than getting married , the situation is different .
7 Be sure to provide a comfortable bed , which can be a cardboard box with its sides cut down and lined with a blanket .
8 The quay , which acted as the customs shed , was three rusting barges lashed together and covered with a roof of corrugated iron .
9 She felt him lace their fingers together and trembled with a strange mixture of excitement and trepidation .
10 She saw it wobble , then it tilted , then it toppled right over and fell with a tinkle on to the table-top not twelve inches from Miss Honey 's folded arms .
11 And there it teetered for a few seconds before finally toppling over and falling with a sharp tinkle on to the desk-top .
12 The contract was to have been the first to be awarded under the new no frills fast track process — but some observers now expect the tender to be scrapped altogether and replaced with a Desktop V tender .
13 Cold War influences filtered through gradually and merged with a growing concern about the effects of increased leisure and affluence on the young , especially the problem of delinquency .
14 In this book , I have preferred to start my itinerary in the north and travel southwards , the better to link the highlights of the journey in a continuous route , introducing the Highlands more gradually and ending with a glorious climax .
15 One , that was eventually exported to Mycenae , had been turned upside down , transforming its mouth into a pedestal base , and its original base had been sawn off and replaced with a moulded rim of gilded bronze ; then a pair of wooden handles and a spout were added , completing the transformation of the Egyptian vessel into a Minoan jar .
16 And he had a good time with the assembled newshounds , especially when one got him off and running with a question about how he felt about winning a national championship .
17 good luck with that and we 'll see you tomorrow … if the sun is shining the Gold Cup will be off and running with a sparkle
18 Concrete absorbs next to no water , and soft mortar takes too long to stiffen before it can be smoothed off and marked with a light cross-hatch key .
19 Tam brushed against his leg in passing and Edward leaned down to pat him but Tam , replete , was staggering towards his favourite sleeping place by the cooker — he shrugged Edward 's hand off and collapsed with a noisy sigh .
20 Its benevolently smiling head fell off and bounced with a sickening crunch from the beam projector into another of the statues , knocking it off the deck of the float and into the canal .
21 Consider using an object such as a bag or briefcase or a chair to fend off the attacker ( bear in mind the potential difference between fending off and striking with a weapon ) .
22 Fritz scurried off and returned with a reluctant Paul and they went to the door .
23 Melissa slept fitfully and awoke with a headache .
24 The report continues with a list of cases in which disputes over fixtures in listed building led to a public enquiry , a court case , or both and concludes with a section entitled ‘ How to make the legislation more effective ’ , which provides advice to owners , information on Stop Notices and calls for control over the sale of fixtures .
25 The concrete slabs were taken up and replaced with a crazy paving patio , and gradually they developed their plans , as money allowed .
26 When the cork is extracted the slush-like sediment shoots out of the bottle and , because the rest of the wine remaining in the bottle is at a much lower temperature than normal , the gas is reluctant to escape , hence there is no spray of foam and the bottle may be topped up and recorked with a minimal loss of pressure .
27 Roll the fillets up and secure with a cocktail stick .
28 POLICE searched a hospital yesterday after an ex-patient was tied up and strangled with a scarf .
29 But had they — or someone else — not come in , Price 's would have been sold to a foreign buyer ( an option Shell considered ) , broken up and merged with a rival , or worse , have disappeared altogether , taking 160 years of manufacturing history with it .
30 Doubles up and screams with a hot , flushed face and sweat .
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