Example sentences of "[adv] and [verb] he the " in BNC.

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1 She was infuriated by his arrogant assumption that he could simply demand answers , infuriated still more by her own desire to simply cave in and tell him the truth .
2 She put her lips together and blew him the tiniest of kisses .
3 Philip pushed him away and gave him the torch to hold while he did up his lace .
4 We tried to get through and ask him the question on air .
5 She stopped in front of him , leaning forward confidentially and giving him the full benefit of the satin décolletage .
6 Richard Dorment of the Daily Telegraph said : ‘ What a pity a dealer did not take him aside and tell him the work he proposed to exhibit was unexhibitable … a visual boredom so total that no amount of metaphor or allusion can give it the kiss of life ’ .
7 He was shedding his wet things as he spoke , and a glance at me indicated who was supposed to hurry off and get him the hot drink .
8 Our table felt it was worth £20 of tickets for a woman to put her hand up and show him the error of his ways , but we 'd already forked out enough , honest .
9 As he fished , twisting his wrist back and forth , trying to get hold of more , a policeman came up and handed him the pile off the pavement .
10 His father raised him up and gave him the kiss of peace .
11 Louis and his great men deliberated , and decided : at the summer assembly in July , the Ordinatio Imperii accommodated Lothar 's ambitions by giving him the title of co-emperor forthwith and promising him the whole of Francia on his father 's demise .
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