Example sentences of "[adv] and [verb] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We even paid a surprise visit to Corsham , where Rosemary and Clifford Ellis welcomed us warmly and invited me to give a series of lectures and classes .
2 Well my there 's never any please , there 's never any thank you , there 's nothing , I mean there are are n't they , when he was saying that all he 's done for her and they virtually like turned their back on them , he got out in all those winds and weather were n't it , but , we built there and he come out apparently and said I do n't want you having anything else to do with my kids ,
3 Her mum came down the street steaming from the chip shop , and she rushed us inside and got me to make a pot of tea while she shared them all out between the three of us , and we all sat round their fire eating them .
4 There is a hand-out on professional telephone behaviour , a hand-out on the pleas from the switchboard supervisor , and also a form , a course form , if you could take that with you fill it in and let me have it back sometime .
5 Somewhat naïvely , I had expected it all to be sorted out then and there , but the chap just took my name , gave me a form to fill in and told me to come back a few days later for a full interview .
6 I first heard about it after the game at Liverpool last Saturday and I stormed in and said I do n't want to get away .
7 with , when I go in and dive I do
8 The Citizen 's Advice Bureau has got a pro forma which if a person goes in and says I think I ought to be getting , I think I , I do n't think I 'm getting sufficient income support or I 'm going to apply for income support .
9 And I looked in and thought I wonder if that 's Clayton in there or not .
10 Once I got arrested one morning for soliciting , but they let me out of the police station ; I got arrested the same afternoon , they let me out again ; I got arrested in the evening and they kept me in and took me to court the next day .
11 They 've cut it down and agreed I pay the arrears back at a pound a week .
12 It 's got ta make me jump up and down and make me want to knock walls down to secure a deal . ’
13 Esmerelda jumped up and down and told me to hurry up and make the kite fly .
14 Put your foot down and say I want that car whe if you do n't , if you do n't do it now
15 No I always sit down and do me work but sometimes people just distract me all the time .
16 ‘ Please , ’ she asked , genuinely fearful now , it seemed to Hope , who relished the fact , ‘ will you sit down and let me talk to you ? ’
17 It would have been a problem for me if the bloody sergeant had come along and seen me drinking beer or seen that bottle beside me .
18 ‘ Here — you run along and let me get on with it . ’
19 Suddenly I just could n't stand it any longer and said I 've GOT to push and she came out like a champagne cork at 8.15 a.m .
20 The fact that he has chosen to go away and leave me means that he does not love me .
21 ‘ Go away and let me do my work , or we 'll be running on one staff nurse and half an aspirin . ’
22 ‘ Aline , be a dear sweet girl and go away and let me die in peace .
23 This time in the hotels I particularly noticed how many people of different tongues were also staying there — all babbling away and making me wonder who they were and where they had come from .
24 Will you go away and let me have a serious discussion with my nephew without these constant interruptions ?
25 And he came over and took me did n't he ?
26 ‘ So how 's about moving over and letting me get on with it , eh ?
27 Sorry , yeah I said Mark 's gon na come over and help me dig it .
28 It stops me concentrating on breathing properly and makes me feel as if I 've lost control of the situation .
29 Anyway , carry on and let me know if there are any real difficulties .
30 ‘ Well , put it on and let me see . ’
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