Example sentences of "[adv] of [art] last [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This takes up much of the last week or more and is written out in precise detail .
2 Tamar had allowed Victoria to stay up late to watch the leading in of the last load , which was a ritual joined in by all the estate workers .
3 To a boy who declares himself stuck about what colour to use , he says : ‘ Well , Sickert said that when in doubt put a little of the last colour into the next colour you use , and that gives harmony : it does n't work to use a colour in isolation — white and black are the two parents , red in isolation can appear like a wound in the picture — it 's like friendships , we all know the awful consequences if a new person joins a group and the friendships are n't mixed through , it 's the same with colours . ’
4 In Anglo-Saxon belief , and in European popular tradition both before and after that , 25 March is the date of the Crucifixion ; also of the Annunciation ( nine months before Christmas ) ; also of the last day of Creation .
5 Out of the last discussion , titled The Merseyside Perspective , came the idea for a new umbrella organisation to bring together everyone in the business locally .
6 ‘ Well , I think it 's high time you stopped looking like something out of the last century , do n't you , my sweet ? ’ her stepmother said .
7 nothing came out of the last committee meeting to a definite , this is definite this .
8 ( Research and development split between the two lines — currently 50–50 — will soon tip the balance in favour of AViiON , since three years ' worth of products are expected to be squeezed out of the last round of investment in the proprietary line . )
9 Right , anything else that 's erm needs raising out of the last meeting ?
10 Priestley had particular pleasure in recalling that moment in Payday in which Charlie has to walk home through the rain after foolishly spending his pay and after being pushed out of the last tram ; he anticipates his wife 's anger and the return to short rations and yet not all is hopeless , something might turn up .
11 Virtually what it did it came out of the last parish council 's conference which I attended on your behalf and er the Director of Planning and Development , Colin promised to lay on a seminar for parish councillors because it seems to be the one service which always gets criticism at the parish council 's conference .
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