Example sentences of "[adv] the same thing as " in BNC.

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1 Increasingly through last year it became apparent that what CSRG wanted was ‘ basically the same thing as BSDI : ’ an unencumbered commercial system .
2 Much the same thing as we used to do .
3 Under the scheme holders of government bonds could choose to exchange them for South Sea Company shares , and the government would pay interest on these bonds to the South Sea Company at a lower rate than it paid previously — the South Sea Company was doing much the same thing as the East India Company , providing the government with a loan at a reduced rate of interest in exchange for overseas trading privileges .
4 However , a cash underpinning is not entirely the same thing as a vendor placing because it will not be known exactly how many shares will be the subject of a sale ; that will depend on the number of acceptances of the cash underwritten alternative .
5 To loose them off together , scatter-gun fashion : Stavrogin says ‘ I am making this statement , incidentally , to prove I am in full possession of my mental faculties and understand my position ’ ; ‘ I want to forgive myself , this is my chief aim , my whole aim ’ ; ‘ I want everyone to look at me ’ ; ‘ I fall back on this as my last resource ’ ; ‘ The thing about me then was I felt bored with life , sick and tired of it ’ ; ‘ I am seeking boundless suffering ’ ; ‘ I took it into my head to mutilate my life somehow ’ ( not necessarily the same thing as seeking suffering , any more than seeking suffering need entail accepting it ) .
6 Also , how potential credit users imagine that granters will behave — not necessarily the same thing as how they actually will behave — has an effect .
7 ‘ I am still doing exactly the same things as I did before the operation but at a slower pace .
8 It does not matter if you do not have exactly the same things as are shown in the drawing ; alter the design to suit what you have .
9 He must have done exactly the same thing as I did when the panic hit him .
10 As Brumfit observes , ‘ Being a good teacher is never exactly the same thing as understanding teaching ; there are many things we can do well that we can not fully understand . ’
11 No one was doing anything and I thought , ‘ Well , hell , I 'm guilty of doing exactly the same thing as everybody else is doing .
12 You actually do exactly the same thing as you would do to a joiner in a , in , in , in , in a fitting shop , to say , This task c c c can take this length of erm time .
13 Anyway , apparently , he was told exactly the same thing as I was told
14 But self-confidence in the sense of psychological certitude is not the same things as absolute certainty in the philosophical sense .
15 I know there 's an attitude at home — men are people but women are only women — but that 's not the same things as putting your women in purdah . ’
16 The struggle to decipher has been presented as a good thing in itself , though construing sentences is not the same thing as achieving intellectual understanding .
17 The political and financial capital already invested in the Channel tunnel project should ensure it bores on somehow — but that is not the same thing as Eurotunnel 's survival .
18 It 's very weird to see yourself ; looking in the mirror is not the same thing as seeing yourself three-dimensionally , which is very , very peculiar , ’ says Howard , who politely declined the chance to take his effigy home at the end of filming .
19 Perceptions are not the same thing as knowledge , but they are what the holder of the perception believes to be knowledge .
20 ‘ Seeing through a glass darkly ’ , he once told an ecumenical committee , ‘ is not the same thing as an ecumenical fog. , After the war he began to travel to meetings as a consultant .
21 We can account for what he was doing with his time , but this is not the same thing as explaining how or why the tone of voice — that vigour , that distinctively Lewisian freshness and vitality — was so long in coming .
22 You know it when you experience it , but it is not the same thing as standards of living or GNP ; it is not quantifiable and not necessarily ‘ environmental ’ .
23 Yet getting talks started — whether between the Europeans and Iraq or , better still , the Americans and Iraq — is not the same thing as avoiding war .
24 Science had made enormous progress since Jonson 's day ; the Royal Society had been founded a few years before ; a virtuoso was not the same thing as an alchemist .
25 But survival is not the same thing as reproduction a d there is likely to be a trade-off .
26 It does not need great intelligence or ‘ professionalism ’ to realise that the dispersal of those kinds of books is not the same thing as clearing popular fiction .
27 Which is not the same thing as saying they do n't exist : the question remains open .
28 Indicating that all supervisory staff have a training responsibility is not the same thing as having a ‘ suitably augmented team ’ .
29 Self-confidence is not the same thing as intellectual certainty or moral infallibility .
30 A lively memory is not the same thing as a colourful retelling of spiritual experiences .
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