Example sentences of "[adv] the [noun sg] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 May be I 'm being a little unkind but that was rather the impression I got .
2 As I dodged down the yard I noticed the broken bottle lying in the drain .
3 My mother went down the yard and seen the boss and asked him if he could get and the fact that my mother went down the yard I suppose er he must have felt sorry for us .
4 ‘ He turned down the part I offered him then — which was the best thing he ever did .
5 he and he were like this in the water I had to go down the bank I grabbed hold of him in the middle of his back , just turfed him out .
6 When I put down the receiver I heard Geoff Tulloch 's voice out in the main office , impressing the young women with his irrepressible personality .
7 The morning I woke up and realised that perhaps the reason I resented young Tulloch s much was because I too was an observer of human beings and that this most likely derived from an equal failure to establish satisfactory human relationships , was not a happy one .
8 I mean perhaps the point I have n't brought out , which was another enormous effect from the mixed ability teaching , or the mixed ability grouping , was the improvement in the pupils erm behaviour .
9 Perhaps the point I have n't brought out , which was another enormous effect from the mixed ability teaching , or the mixed ability grouping , was the improvement in the pupils ' behaviour .
10 Perhaps the distinction I want to draw can be seen more clearly if we start with an example involving size rather than colour .
11 Obviously the thing I have is the looks , which will help , but hopefully people will like the music too ’
12 Obviously the thing I have is the looks , which will help , but hopefully people will like the music too . ’
13 Brenda , I adore it , it 's me all over so the bathroom I had endless trouble , as you know , with Shirley I had to buy stuff and Shirley came in and I gave her little presents of this and that and helped her with cooking meals for her she re-grouted practically my bath tiles and my en suite tiles because we thought water was going through the wall , and it was and then I had to replace the where you take the plug out in the bath , I forget what you call that , the trap
14 So the message I think got through
15 So the reason I asked that question is because I wanted to see if you were already thinking like an archaeologist .
16 The re the reason I bring this up , the reason I bring this up , you 've supported that in the past you know , they 've said , those in the you would agree with that , so the reason I bring this up is that if you we start off by offering a full service across the whole week .
17 So the reason I put Jasper Carrott up here is just to think for a moment , here 's somebody who 's obviously a really effective and great communicator .
18 So the time I spend with them would be more profitably employed here in the surgery . ’
19 I admired my daughter-in-law so much the day I saw her stand a full five minutes waiting for her little boy who was watching a worm disappearing through a hole in the earth .
20 I ca n't stress too much the value I give my tears … they are priceless , beyond words , they are the most private part of myself that I can share with those who draw close to me .
21 Only the love I flee
22 that does n't bother me , but considering it was only the second I 'd spoken to him and I did not fancy him in the least erm , it really made my skin crawl .
23 That ‘ handled the ball ’ is only the second I 've seen .
24 I had no doubt the bubble would burst ; it was only the timing I got wrong !
25 When I look along the road I see them coming .
26 When I peer along the track I see that it will be on the track across from me , going south to the river .
27 While cutting rebates and slots , two problems occurred on the curved members , firstly the glazing rebate because of the weight and length of curved members and the limited table size of my router , I decided to take the router to the wood and not the wood to the router but then realised I would be machining away the surface I wanted to guide the router on i.e the inside face which is the true radius .
28 Room service at Peel Square offered a variety of suppers , and we settled for lamb chops followed by a nice piece of Stilton When the waiter took away the supper I ordered a quarter bottle of cognac .
29 Anyone who wants to explain away the material I have offered in the interview extracts will merely have to look up item ( 7 ) .
30 Anyway the moment I trod the stage I felt completely at home .
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