Example sentences of "[adv] the [adj] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Consider , insists Wade , the office of Secretary of State with the smallest budget of the Cabinet Departments yet arguably the greatest status in the system ( Wade 1979 , p. 354 ) .
2 The two men , arguably the fastest finishers in the world , unleashed their 40mph sprints in the last 400 metres of the 131-mile race , leaving the rest of the field to watch .
3 The third qualifying round altered the seeding in such a way that arguably the best sides in the tournament , Namibia and Zimbabwe , found themselves playing each other in the quarter-finals .
4 He is particularly good with young players and will have to weigh up that security against taking arguably the best job in English cricket . ’
5 JOSE MARIA OLAZABAL , still arguably the best player in the world without a major title to his name , today radiated confidence about European prospects in the US Open at Baltusrol .
6 Disembarking at certain points from a leisurely cruise , your guide , Bernie Dunn , arguably the best guide in Amsterdam will take you through Amsterdam 's most enchanting neighbourhoods by foot .
7 Finally , remember you have what is arguably the finest army in the Known World under your command .
8 It finished the year with the launch of the Twingo , arguably the biggest breakthrough in small car design since the Mini .
9 Sally-Anne Tunstall , beloved daughter of Senator Jared Tunstall , arguably the richest man in the USA , and his dear wife Mary , niece of Orrin Tunstall , the American ambassador , society beauty , heiress , spoiled child of fortune , who had once thought that the world was her ball to play with , sat on her bed in an East End attic , dressed in her skivvy 's clothing , grieving because she could not consummate her love for a poor doctor who had renounced the world over which she had once reigned .
10 ‘ The petitioners remark that ‘ the Royal Veterinary College of London is the private property of the subscribers thereto who may continue or close the same at their discretion ; that it is only from their desire to advance the veterinary art that they have allowed their institution to be employed as a College of instruction ; and that thereby the veterinary profession in this country owes even its existence to their establishment ’ .
11 Government itself was rarely the active initiator in the move to criminalize immorality .
12 In order to work properly the dominant forces in each of the three spheres have to monopolize the key resources for which there is great competition .
13 What justifies the assumption that two qualitatively identical things can occupy simultaneously two different places , or numerically the same place in succession ?
14 This seemed like a Falangist revival , for it was the first session that had been held since 1945 and Franco asserted that it was " necessary that the National Council should recover the role which corresponds to it in the political tasks , because it is hierarchically the highest body in the Movement , whose duty it is to ensure the purity of the organization and the continuity of the doctrine " .18 But many of those present , including the Vice-Secretary of FET , Diego Salas Pombo , detected behind the smokescreen of verbiage a lack of genuine commitment to Arrese 's plan for a Falange-dominated future .
15 Eventually the two values in column one become effectively equal as do the two values in column two .
16 A sudden fall in aggregate demand resulting from , for example , fiscal contraction , will , in the short run , produce a fall in output , but eventually the induced fall in the absolute
17 Overwhelmingly the biggest problems in post-war British buildings ( and other structures such as bridges as well ) is concrete .
18 The criteria mentioned above have often been employed , as was noted at the beginning of this chapter , in the construction of very broad evolutionary schemes , but these have been increasingly criticized — in Marxist thought as elsewhere — for their excessively abstract depiction of the ‘ stages of development ’ which seem to fit very loosely the actual changes in political systems in different regions of the world and in determinate historical periods .
19 Talks held on Nov. 3 between President Franjo Tudjman of Croatia , President Alija Izetbegovic of Bosnia-Hercegovina and Mate Boban , effectively the Croatian leader in Bosnia , resulted in an agreement to set up joint commands in the self-proclaimed Croatian Community of Herceg-Bosna [ see p. 39103 ] .
20 Not content with beating seven bells out of the test team at Lords The Aussies took on the Combined Universities in a three day game today and almost strangled it at birth .
21 Today Wales B take on the shaken Aussies in Cardiff — and Davies does n't rule out another shock Welsh win .
22 No one carried on the cheesemaking tradition in our family , although West Park Farm is still owned by the Birketts , run as a beef farm by my sister-in-law and her young son .
23 Opposition groups are preparing to take on the Communist Party in Bulgaria 's first free elections for more than 40 years which are to be fixed by next May , but dissident leaders have called for a postponement .
24 ‘ Scalpel ! ’ , then , takes on the indexical value in this context of ‘ Pass me that particular scalpel ’ .
25 Hick at No. 3 is encouragement to the bowlers and deflation for his fellow-batsmen : hence the pressure put on the middle order in the past two years .
26 ‘ Clinger told me before he left that his lordship had had him in the second Sunday he was there and told him he expected him to switch on the electric fire in the private chapel ten minutes before matins .
27 The two pictures hanging on the wooden beam in the left of the photograph perhaps show a more popular way of displaying miniatures , which is nonetheless very attractive .
28 In theory , each of these has the capacity to know to be a medium and even large scale business , and to take on the corporate giants in the course of time .
29 Appeared in 700 Carry Ons , including Carry On Naughty Nurses , Carry On More Naughty Nurses , Carry On The Same Character In Everything Else .
30 We 're going to put on the Olympic Games in ‘ 96 , we 're going to make everybody including Athens proud .
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