Example sentences of "[adv] the [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Arguably the blinder kinds of sexual radicalism , wherein sexuality is made the prime political mover , have tended to be mainly heterosexual , and in the case of Wilhelm Reich , overtly homophobic .
2 And one who has arguably the toughest brief of all the carvers at the palace .
3 But the extended sets of variations usually on popular songs , but sometimes on dance-tunes or the notes of the hexachord , generally increasing in complication and technical difficulty toward the end , which are arguably the chief glory of virginal music , have been plausibly derived from the diferencias of Cabezon ( see pp. 236–7 ) .
4 Berge and the entire Mitterrand government were made to look complete fools when , a few weeks later , he was appointed to succeed Sir Georg Solti as head of the Chicago Symphony — arguably the great powerhouse of American orchestras .
5 Some fine and competitive rallying in which was arguably the best match of the three days , saw her come very close to Audra Keller , a 19 year old form Tennessee who was playing in her third consecutive Maureen Connolly Cup event .
6 Many walkers cross its famous ‘ Bad Step ’ just above the waters of Loch Scavaig , but few scramble up its slabs and buttresses to take in the view of Coruisk and its magnificent amphitheatre of black , jagged peaks — arguably the finest viewpoint of Skye .
7 These commodities are arguably the primitive valuables of early Anglo-Saxon society , used to oil the wheels of social and political activities ( Huggett 1982 and forthcoming ) .
8 Chapter 3 outlined the development of the impersonal capital as arguably the dominant mode of possession of the means of production in the contemporary British social formation .
9 GRAMM-Rudman-Hollings , the US deficit reduction law , is arguably the worst piece of legislation passed by Congress in the past decade .
10 As the Denmark Farm experiment shows , it is not too late to restore our countryside — arguably the richest aspect of our national heritage — and recreate a living countryside with a rich biological diversity .
11 It is an impossibly restricted view , therefore , to imagine a universal approach to landform study being based only upon consideration of historical development … the physical and the resulting psychological , inability of geographers to handle successfully the simultaneous operation of a number of causes contributing to a given effect has been one of the greatest impediments to the advancement of their discipline .
12 In the nineteenth century , the upper class comprised the traditional landed aristocracy , but it was an aristocracy that had absorbed largely if not wholly the new men of wealth who had made their money out of trade and industry .
13 Siward had merely killed his wife 's uncle , as Carl Thorbrandsson had already killed his wife 's father , and had joined thereby the bloody brethren of kinsmen whose lethal manoeuvrings had kept him busy for the twelve years he had now held the earldom .
14 Although this is rarely the sole cause of the iron deficiency , in one study it was found to be a contributing factor in 57% of patients .
15 Boastful , overbearing and bumptious , he emerges by his own account as the eternal mocker of authority , rarely the effective wielder of it .
16 A state of cleanliness is rarely the main objective of a manager in the food industries , as there is no direct profit contribution or production benefit , so the emphasis on management differs from that of mainstream operations .
17 Yet even as I remember Victoria , I feel keenly the unsettled state of my mind .
18 Out-migrants from rural areas are predominantly the younger members of the adult population .
19 All ‘ well-meaning ’ citizens were said to have recognized ‘ wholly , joyfully , and thankfully the superhuman greatness of the Führer and his work ’ , and , confronted with this ‘ greatness ’ , ‘ all pettiness and grumbling is silenced ’ .
20 But nevertheless if it were handled properly the high-yielding seeds of African maize , upland rice and cassava which are on the way could make a real difference .
21 Economically the traditional sector of agriculture was a negative force : it was immune to the fluctuations of the great markets or , if not , it resisted their impact as best it could .
22 From this time onward the greater part of the effort is concentrated on the critical event that made the difference between a routine flight and a catastrophe .
23 Such an argument would appear , however , to overestimate vastly the potential contribution of the ‘ Eastern hemisphere ’ in the postwar process of adjustment while ignoring the strength of European economic recovery which depended so much on intraregional trade in manufactured goods .
24 We are accused of being the poor men of Europe , and I think we are economically and industrially the poor men of Europe or at least our performances have n't been very good in this respect since the War , but the other side is that because we are the poor men and are self-conscious about it , that we have compensated , in a sense , in the vitality of our music and of our culture , and certainly in the pop culture .
25 Additionally the growing importance of the media , especially radio and television , highlighted the relatively poor performance of British sportsmen and women at an international level .
26 It would seem , then , that de la Broquière 's statement not only provides good evidence of the existence of the office of Mufti in 836/1433 but also suggests that the Mufti was by then recognizably the chief representative of the spiritual authority of the Seriat , the chief representative of the religious aspect of the state .
27 It is as if the baby can now calculate geometrically the precise location of the target from the angle of the adult 's head and arm relative to self and the environment .
28 Ten years later there were 215,000 such members , dwarfing numerically the 30,000 members of the ILP .
29 They are numerically the largest group of people at risk , they present the most complex problems and their needs have the most impact on families and communities .
30 IT IS presumably the mustachioed face of the author that hovers elusively behind the undulations of the Zollner figure on the front of Nicholas Wade 's book .
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