Example sentences of "[adv] large [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Bingo , played in a newspaper or otherwise , involves no skill , no moral quality , only large quantities of money and people to make it successful .
2 If the ‘ green ’ biomass approach is taken there 's the problem of finding enough ground to grow crops for ethanol , and this had better not involve chopping down large areas of rainforest .
3 This enabled it to gulp down large chunks of meat that would have been too large to swallow .
4 Before 1981 the Bank of England as a matter of course deliberately sold sufficiently large amounts of Treasury bills to keep the discount houses short of liquidity .
5 So for a sufficiently large number of matter particles , gravitational forces can dominate over all other forces .
6 However , one really does not need extremely large amounts of space to grow the flowers needed for this very enjoyable hobby .
7 And er that level of development , at five hundred hectares , is an extremely large area of land , in very sensitive locations , particularly around the main urban areas , which are restricted to a great degree .
8 The Institute of German , Austrian & Swiss Affairs hods an extremely large archive of newspaper cuttings ( approximately half a million cuttings ) relating to Germany , principally the GDR , during the years 1946-1981 .
9 The large stylus ensured there was a large area of contact , so large amounts of energy could be transmitted to the diaphragm without wear .
10 This was done by bringing in large quantities of fill .
11 With some hindsight we began to realise that the design and control of large systems can not be successfully accomplished without exceedingly large quantities of information .
12 So each replicator is potentially the ‘ ancestor ’ of an indefinitely long line of descendant replicators , stretching into the distant future , and branching to produce , potentially , an exceedingly large number of descendant replicators .
13 The amount of time that even ‘ professional ’ long-firm fraudsters spend in prison is remarkably small in relation to the generally large amounts of money that are obtained from such frauds ( Reading 5 , Chapter 5 , taken from Levi 's study , looks at the long-firm fraudster and imprisonment ) .
14 So it is no wonder that the CEGB has responded by publishing an unprecedentedly large volume of material in support of its case for building a PWR at Sizewell .
15 Wear and tear on the woodwork was excessive and snagging could tear away large sections of board ; or worse , the sudden jolt could cause the winding chain to part allowing kibble and contents , chain and all , to hurtle down doing damage all the way .
16 Some of it 's quite funny , Keifer Sutherland and Lou Diamond Phillips are good but the film as a whole seems to wander round making a rather large amount of noise and not doing anything all that interesting .
17 Some of it 's quite funny , Keifer Sutherland and Lou Diamond Phillips are good but the film as a whole seems to wander round making a rather large amount of noise and not doing anything all that interesting .
18 It was now clear that this was because an atom in its ground state has nowhere else to go , unless it can be given the rather large amount of energy necessary to lift it to an excited state with n greater than I.
19 Strach 's had it just about — so Wilko 's decision to swap Rocky for White was a complete load of bollocks — if he ca n't manage players like Rocky and Cuntona then he should n't be a f*****g manager especially of a team with rather large delusions of grandeur .
20 The difficulty is that , on a cursory inspection , what is inside the box is a grey mush , which , on examination under the microscope , turns out to consist of a confusingly large number of nerve cells ( some 10 11 in man ) , each connected to a large number of others .
21 Recent press reports disclose that Wall Street investment banker Dennis Levine , recently convicted and gaoled for insider trading , has written a book entitled Inside Out : An Insider 's Account of Wall Street for which he will receive an undisclosed , but presumably large amount of money .
22 How can paintings which are at once great and at the same time repellent earn their creator such a disproportionately large sum of money ?
23 Moreover large quantities of food awaiting shipment to drought-stricken areas were reported to have been destroyed in the fighting .
24 This , however , makes it impossible for them to feed during the larval stage , as free-swimming tadpoles can do , so they have to nourish themselves with specially large quantities of yolk .
25 Similarly , although Wirral GPs notified an exceptionally large number of drug addicts to the Home Office during 1983 , the significance of this was not quickly identified even by regional Drugs Branch .
26 The sample population consists of twenty major coalmining companies , many of which were also large producers of iron and steel , representing perhaps one quarter of UK coal output in 1913 .
27 In truth the KGB spends most of its time and resources , rather like the NSA , scooping up large amounts of trivia that it evidently believes are extremely valuable .
28 Try to scan artwork as near to the size you want to use it in order to avoid taking up large amounts of memory and having to re-size with the desktop publishing software .
29 Erm , so you would leave what I call this deadwood lying on your spreadsheet , cells that are using up memory , they 're not needed any more erm , on many people 's spreadsheets I 've discovered quite a lot of deadwood using up large amounts of memory , like in some people 's cases two-thirds of the memory used by the deadwood .
30 Excess debris should be removed because it will use up large amounts of oxygen as it decomposes .
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