Example sentences of "[adv] though [pron] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Joy , because it did not rest upon his own faith , strongly though he valued that : but when in the morass of doubt , one has no confidence in subjective attitudes such as faith .
2 It is , however , easy to become anxious about applying the Technique in our day-to-day lives , even though we may have been shown what to do and even though we know that our ordinary sensory perception may be faulty .
3 Even though we know that comparatively we 're all millionaires .
4 Bob Ewell who is the father of the so called victim , Mayella , is prepared to use his influence as a white to get Tom convicted even though we know that it is Bob Ewell who should be taking the punishment as it is made clear in the trial that he is the person who abuses Mayella not Tom .
5 They have also been to the fore in the planning of opposition to the recent Anglo-Irish talks even though they know that the collapse of those talks will make it very unlikely that the constitutional Catholic Social Democratic and Labour Party will take its place in the Assembly .
6 He then went on to discuss whether an employee could use his recollection of any features of the plaintiff 's plant , machinery or process which they claimed were peculiar to them even though they admitted that their competitors used similar machinery .
7 Surely it is possible that a jury might decline to convict of murder a person who intentionally killed under gross provocation , even though they knew that the judge could give a lenient sentence , because they wished to signify the reduction in the defendant 's culpability by using the less stigmatic label of manslaughter .
8 With this in mind , many companies give the customer the benefit of the doubt when this does not involve high cost , even though they suspect that the fault may be caused by inappropriate use of the product on the part of the customer ; for example , garden fork manufacturers may replace prematurely broken forks , even though the break may have been caused by work for which the fork was not designed .
9 They did , however have unrealised expectations about the number of clients for whom they would need to provide paid support workers even though they predicted that they would not find it necessary to provide such carers for ail clients .
10 The Germans and Italians say a team of European politicians should go to negotiate the release of hostages , even though they agree that such trips should be condemned .
11 There was a lack of information about availability in Northern Ireland , even though everyone knew that the situation was serious .
12 No need to worry — they they 'll be queuing up for me , ’ even though everyone knows that the whole area 's been appallingly hit by the recession and that the whole country , come to that , is in much the same state .
13 She knew that he would be hurt even though she hoped that he had stopped loving such an undeserving , self-serving shrew , because anyone would be hurt by such a scene .
14 In inviting her Rachel had proclaimed the absolute acceptability to her of her daughter even though she knew that Rachel did not feel this .
15 She died because she took a short cut across waste ground even though she knew that the murderer was at large in that area .
16 It felt too much as if she was shunting him off for her own convenience , even though she knew that it was the only sane and sensible thing to do .
17 1 Where do we first learn about Auntie 's excellent eye-sight ? 2 Where do we first learn that Auntie can see into the future ? 3 How do we know that Auntie did not see the fire at the office block where she used to work ? 4 What exactly did Auntie foresee on the last afternoon of her life ? 5 Why did Auntie save Billy 's life , even though she knew that she herself would die ?
18 ‘ I do n't see why I should , ’ he replied , but , to make her heart spurt , even though she knew that he meant nothing by it , ‘ But for you , I will , ’ he added .
19 ‘ How ? ’ he repeated , but , even though she thought that he suddenly seemed a little on edge , and although he appeared to hesitate — as if , most oddly , he was a little unsure , he then looked straight into her eyes and stated , ‘ There have been countless instances when , because of you , I 've found myself doing things which I would n't have believed .
20 Agnes never took part in such conversations ; she never spoke badly of Paul , even though she sensed that this alienated her somewhat from other women .
21 Kate found it hard to avoid hearing about him ; he seemed daily to be permeating her senses almost as if he were personally hounding her even though she accepted that had to be crazy thinking on her part .
22 She did not trust the count even though she admitted that he had a strange effect on her .
23 But there was no way she could bring herself to like the other woman , even though she suspected that , had the circumstances been different , she would have warmed to her immediately .
24 If he was a difficult friend , he could also be a loyal one — the most notable example , of course , is that of Ezra Pound whom he continued to support and defend even though it meant that he became embroiled in the kind of public controversy which he detested .
25 Even though it meant that going to fetch the letters gave you scratches and nettle-stings .
26 His Lordship could not accept that a sensible construction of paragraph 19 involved that , provided only the commercial deputising service was large and efficient enough , the FPC was in practice obliged to give its consent even though it knew that the doctor in question intended to delegate his entire practice to such an organisation .
27 Confession is the strategy which minimises the maximum jail sentence the prisoner can receive , and this minimax strategy is the best one , even though it ensures that the prisoner can not receive the lowest sentence allowed by the ‘ game ’ , the one year for a lesser offence .
28 If he does so , the auctioneer can make the purchaser pay the full price again , even though it means that the purchaser pays twice over . ’
29 Ken 's agreed to run on our policies and our ticket , ’ even though he acknowledges that they suit him better than Ken .
30 Clive James should have stayed with book-reviewing : his destruction of ‘ Princess Daisy ’ must be the funniest thing he ever wrote , even though he admits that ‘ to pour abuse on a book like this makes no more sense than to kick a powder-puff ’ .
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