Example sentences of "[adv] taken up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In no other human discipline , not in philosophy , nor science , nor music , is it believed that there has been a particular revelation of God in history , so that that point in history is then necessarily taken up into the discipline .
2 They have n't been as much part of my life as I would like , because for the last year or so it has been more or less taken up by the future of the channel .
3 At the provincial level there are Land Use Planning Officers , although their time is largely taken up by the supervision of settlement schemes and in planning state farms ( Stocking 1981b ) .
4 It is of course true that the NHS is under tremendous pressures while places at NCT classes are largely taken up by the motivated .
5 What if the employers ' job offers are not taken up by the students ?
6 Between the 14th day of September 1987 and the 8th day of January 1988 conspired together and with other persons to defraud such persons who had or might have had an interest in dealing in shares in Blue Arrow , or National Westminster Bank , or in dealing on the Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 share index , namely : 2.1 By dishonestly concealing holdings of 19.39 per cent of the share capital of Blue Arrow ; 2.2 By falsely stating that all remaining shares not taken up in the rights issue by existing shareholders had been sold in the market ; 2.3 By falsely representing that 33,315,528 shares in Blue Arrow held by County NatWest Securities were held for the purposes of market making ; 2.4 By falsely representing that 34,069,433 shares in Blue Arrow held by Phillips & Drew Securities were held for the purposes of market making ; 2.5 By dealing off market with Union Bank of Switzerland in 28,201,743 shares in Blue Arrow when by reason of their connection with that company they were knowingly in possession of un-published price sensitive information ; 2.6 By creating a false instrument , namely a letter of indemnity dated 5 October 1987 from Nicholas Wells on behalf of County NatWest to Union Bank Of Switzerland ; 2.7 By engaging in a course of conduct which created a false or misleading impression as to the market in the shares of Blue Arrow for the purpose of creating such an impression and thereby influencing persons who might deal in those shares ; 2.8 By purchasing and retaining 2,150 Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 share index put option contracts to cover a risk of £51,500,000 whilst concealing from the market the true position in relation to the rights issue and the subsequent placing of shares in Blue Arrow , where Blue Arrow and National Westminster Bank were both component parts of that index .
7 The securities firm acts as an underwriter for a number of various companies ( an underwriter buys all residue shares not taken up in the share issue they have promoted ) .
8 So as to keep a fair balance , invitations were also given to all other parties contesting the by-election , only one of which was finally taken up by the Scottish National Party , about a week later .
9 The most satisfactory extrinsic marker is [ 3H ] thymidine which , due to the rapid cell cycle of early post-implantation embryonic cells , is quickly taken up by the vast majority of cells and appears not to be deleterious to development ( 25 ) .
10 The interacting actors of ( i ) a newly effective market among the young , of ( ii ) some culturally effective initiatives by the young , of which many were quickly taken up by the market , of ( iii ) a more general unwillingness by the market , in conditions of high competition , to observe the limits and pressures of established cultural reproduction , and yet ( iv ) the alarm of state and other established institutions at the sources and consequences of such cultural production , have combined to produce a situation of quite remarkable asymmetry .
11 But just at that moment came Wrathful 's opening challenge , quickly taken up by the other two hounds .
12 Sociology , for what little that is worth , was primarily associated with France and Britain , and enthusiastically taken up in the Latin world .
13 Morning and afternoon sessions were mainly taken up with the business of the Union and these were highlighted by the clarity of reporting and the general agreement of delegates to the proposals put forward .
14 Their calls are immediately taken up by the whole team and the spectators on the ground so that the forest rings with wild and terrifying shrieks .
15 The distinction of the Son from the Father was a theme vehemently taken up by the Roman presbyter Hippolytus .
16 Cos the mantelpiece is well taken up with the supporting of toy dogs .
17 One possible explanation for this discrepancy might be that Ac-ASA is less well taken up by the colonic mucosa , and there is indirect evidence to suggest that this so .
18 Another possible reason for this discrepancy may be that Ac-ASA is less well taken up by the colonic mucosa than 5-ASA , resulting in subtherapeutic mucosal concentrations .
19 William Beveridge , the author of the famous report on National Insurance , was himself a Liberal , not a Socialist , and his ideas were widely taken up in the Tory Party .
20 Red Lion Square , covering about half an acre at the most , and mostly taken up by the Great North Road , represents just the shrunken remains of a market place that once covered about five times that area .
21 The old Whig platform for constitutional reform was slowly taken up by the London Tories , with the result that by the last years of Anne 's reign they had largely absorbed their opponents ' former libertarian rhetoric .
22 Grandfather 's principal interest was to hear the one who played the piano but when he got there he was rather taken up with the violinist .
23 Just as important was the way in which , after the horrific Massacre of St Bartholomew in Paris in 1572 , the French Huguenots were driven to formulate a theory to justify their resistance to a Catholic ruler , a theory which was then taken up by the Dutch in their epoch-making resistance to Spanish rule in the Netherlands .
24 The Centre 's resources are now fully taken up with the activities described above .
25 Major Buckley had a colourful career as manager of Wolves in the 1930s , but it was not until Sir Matt Busby 's brilliant reign at Manchester United that the commanding role of manager after Chapman 's example was firmly taken up outside the bounds of Highbury .
26 This was because their programmes for investment of capital funds ( i.e. funds for the construction of new facilities ) , to support which ‘ growth ’ revenue for the running costs was of course required , were completely taken up with the task of moving general medicine out of over-provided London to the under-provided hinterland of Essex .
27 At the time of writing I was too taken up with the present to make any but the vaguest connection with what had happened to me in the past .
28 This whole idea was subsequently taken up by the Stratigraphical Committee of the Geological Society of London and published in their " Provisional Code of Stratigraphical Nomenclature " .
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