Example sentences of "[adv] much [verb] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He ignites the imagination , nevertheless , with glancing observations of Skye ‘ … so much indented by inlets of the Sea , that there is no part of it removed from the water by more than six miles ’ .
2 Britain has been so much influenced by America we no longer consider Woolies , Mars bars and shopping malls ( see last week ) to be American .
3 But here again the knowledge is so practical , so much preconditioned by behaviour , that it can be taught and is taught mainly by doing what they are told to do on particular occasions and by not being allowed to do or to touch certain things that are always within their experience .
4 Our bondage to society is not so much established by conquest as by collusion … we are entrapped by our own social nature .
5 Their foil in the north gallery is a selection of eight important Minimalist sculptures by Barnett Newman , Robert Morris , Donald Judd , Sol LeWitt and Carl André , represented by a magnesium floor sculpture and ‘ Equivalent VIII ’ , the brick sculpture so much discussed by London 's taxi drivers .
6 Sandy was so much taken by surprise that her sickness was forgotten .
7 Strange , is n't it , or perhaps not so strange , that the word is so much used by theoreticians and so little used by artists themselves ?
8 Two rivers enter the loch : the River Inver , coming down amongst trees from the hills behind , has a pleasant path alongside much used by anglers , with fishing platforms built over the rushing waters .
9 The idea now under consideration , that we take effects to be probable events , is announced or expounded but not much supported by argument .
10 As an infection carried on the air and in milk , diphtheria was not much affected by changes in living standards .
11 Saving , he maintained , depends mainly on the level of national income and is not much affected by changes in interest rates .
12 However , most normal materials are not much affected by considerations of dynamic and static loading .
13 Very few beat the system and those who did were not much encouraged by Bloomsbury House .
14 Although direct access between the two properties was not possible because of the ravine , both properties fronted onto the same beach which , though public , was not much used by outsiders .
15 Upstate city-dwelling environmentalists are not much welcomed by conservative and strongly Mormon southerners who have mined , logged and ranched the land for decades .
16 Hawk slept with his guards up , and was not much bothered by spirits .
17 Away from the front , the Park was messy with autumn : dead leaves , soggy from the rain , littered the smooth grass and lay around the renowned Rose Garden ( " whose glorious show of colour is always much enjoyed by visitors " ) .
18 More far-reaching proposals were made both by the Majority and Minority Reports of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws , both much influenced by William Beveridge 's analysis of the causes of unemployment .
19 They are also much appreciated by members but tend to run the risk of segregating members from the activities of the normal community .
20 However , this has happened to a considerable extent under the banner of the Welsh Office and , although clearly much affected by events in the United Kingdom as a whole , and particularly in England , the Principality now enjoys a measure of devolution in educational matters .
21 In conclusion , despite all that has been said , it must be emphasised that attitudes are as much affected by reality as affecting reality .
22 That was because Tripoli settled the terms of the defence ; and those savoured jokes , the involuted ironies of domestic debate were as much influenced by Tripoli as the more openly controlled agenda of the local Assembly .
23 But it is worth noting that even in China , the buyer of licenses is as much motivated by profit as is the copyright owner .
24 The description Nizan offers of a fascist-motivated plot against the teaching profession in France , with its resonances of policing , spying , informing , and so on , was as much coloured by Nizan 's personal experience as a philosophy teacher in Bourg-en-Bresse in 1932–3 , as it was informed by the experiences of the other cited teachers committed to the anti-fascist struggle and inevitably embroiled in professional persecution and legal prosecution .
25 By law , in a Woonerf vehicles are restricted to ‘ walking pace ’ and compliance is encouraged by abolishing continuous kerbs and pavements , creating a space that is as much used by children as by cars ( Figure 4.2 ) .
26 So far much hampered by lack of money and staff about 1.5 million catalogue entries have been completed and 2,665,000 photographs produced .
27 At the same time both are frequently much admired by women looking for rôle models within the Christian tradition .
28 The working conceptions the individual holds of authority and , by extension , organization , no matter how much overlaid by experiences and learning about management , are based on his early experiences of his family and authority figures , such as parents and teachers .
29 If we look at industrial work it can be seen that it tends to be too much dominated by part tasks in that the worker is not involved with the delivery of the whole product but with a small component of it and even , at times , with a particular operation on that small component .
30 Physical locations of groups , for example , are very much influenced by changes in official club policies regarding the positioning of barriers and turnstiles .
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