Example sentences of "[adv] given the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If you 've got some new material on him that you want to share with us , I 'm more than happy to arrange another lecture for you later in the term , but frankly , as you 've apparently given the same lecture on him for the past ten years , I can hardly be accused of interfering with academic freedom , can I ? ’
2 This one has been produced on the basis of wide consultation , with the views of those who actually play professional cricket rightly given the strongest consideration .
3 These consequences will be discussed in later chapters , but it is necessary to see where they fit into the overall theory at the outset , especially given the recent interest which has been shown in Reich 's theories .
4 But the problem is that they may not be able to deal adequately with operating systems and computer environments that they do n't know and are not allowed to market ; especially given the financial position many of them are in .
5 But the problem is that they may not be able to deal adequately with operating systems and computer environments that they do n't know and are not allowed to market ; especially given the financial position many of them are in .
6 Many false trees will be generated from such a grammar , especially given the syntactic ambiguity of many English words .
7 The above discussions have noted that in general , error detection and correction are difficult techniques to implement , especially given the ambiguous nature of script recognition data .
8 Some practices may balk at this degree of rigour , especially given the relative scarcity of trained counsellors .
9 This performance is not to be dismissed , especially given the paradoxical scarcity of fine recordings of an apparently overrecorded work .
10 You will be aware that Nancy Brown and Reception staff have been considering a staggered approach to Reception staff hours especially given the computerised directory system currently being introduced .
11 As 30% of this is generated from the public sector , Compaq has , at a stroke , become the front-runner for contracts worth tens of million dollars each year , especially given the local preference for Unix server-backed personal computer networks .
12 Second , although much was made of the principle of ‘ flexibility ’ in both the PNP aims and its various courses and documents , there was an inherent contradiction in the notion of flexibility being mandated from above , especially given the didactic power of the model classroom .
13 But although the GTP produced a massive land boom , it was not given the vast land grants of its predecessor , the CPR .
14 The other family were made aware of the need for the venous sample some 24 hours before it was taken and were then not given the normal result for a further 24 hours .
15 The result was that a constituent of mine — and no doubt many hundreds of others who have just been referred to by the Minister as being included in the 1,200 people who received grants — was short changed and not given the full amount .
16 Yes Chairman I 'd like to second that and just to erm say very briefly that er erm I , I very much welcome the report and the speed with which the Chief Officer is seen to have addressed most of the issues there are one or two bits that , that were of course were in fact posters , posters er be dealt with erm I have to say I still have some concern erm that the Chief Fire Officer and his team are so well supported on a very broad front on their decision making and their professionalism and yet on other matters of sound advice which has been given by er who are turned aside and just simply not given the proper consideration that they should have as in that er respect Chairman and I , I , I have some concern , erm it , it would not surprise me indeed if the , Her Majesty 's Inspector of er er brigades , when he comes round himself , has some comment to make on that since I think he 's expectations as well are almost as high as mine is .
17 The Married Women 's Property Acts of the 1870s and 1880s permitted women to control their own property , although married women were not given the same capacity as single women to acquire , hold and dispose of property until 1935 .
18 This means you are not given the same level of initial impetus .
19 His preaching was an outstanding success , and whatever exceptional divisions Joyce 's work may continue to provoke among his readers , and whatever perhaps less exceptional divisions George Craig 's lecture may create among some of the audience in respect of the substance of his arguments , and how could it not given the generous measure and richness of what he offered , there would be no division on the quality of his craftsmanship and the beguiling nature of his themes .
20 Kidd reflects that at the time he was not given the unqualified support by other members of P-E who felt that the search approach was still inappropriate for a consulting firm with resident consultants on client premises and that it could injure the firm 's consulting practice .
21 Uncovering a breach of Rule 28 will not be easy given the complex nature of insider dealing transactions .
22 This was an enlightened decision , but it can not have been easy given the high level of unemployment in the rural west , and the need to find more material resources .
23 Boys in those days they were always given the best education .
24 During the many years it was to remain at Scampton R5868 was maintained and also given the occasional coat of paint .
25 This close association of religion and politics has also given the organizational vehicle for the politics — the DUP — an unusual character which I now wish to explore by examining the tensions caused by the presence in a political agenda of religious attitudes .
26 The cost of having a large male feeding together with females and young on the same resources is probably not great given the even distribution of food and its abundance .
27 Excavation beneath this mosaic has shown the mortar beneath the central -roundel to be of a different character to that used elsewhere in the pavement ( Goodburn pers. comm. ) : the overall picture , therefore , suggests two workmen , or ( less probably given the remarkable variety of the meander ) one workman using " acquired " sections of prefabricated mosaic .
28 This projection of feeling onto a structure is often given the generic term ‘ tension ’ .
29 Fishing crews were now given the alternative option of remaining in port for a total of 135 days during the same period .
30 The Treaty on European Union has now given the European Court of Justice powers to fine member states for having failed to comply with a Court judgment .
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