Example sentences of "[adv] important [to-vb] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 Bukharin 's theory of expanded negative reproduction is one that takes both value and material aspects of commodities into account : ‘ It is exceedingly important to note that the analysis of … enlarged reproduction given by Marx in his famous arithmetically formulated schemes in the second volume of Capital brings in both the value ( economic ) and the natural ( technical ) aspects of reproduction . ’
2 Although it is annoying to have SIMMs in this position ( you would have to remove the motherboard to add extra modules ) , it is only important to ensure that the expansion slots line up with the slots in the rear of the case .
3 It is this strong contrast between the two parts which is so important to maintain whether the dances are in demi-caractère or character ( authentic ) style .
4 But it is extremely important to remember that the teaching of undergraduate students in the eighteen to twenty-one age group is only a part , that 's the one people usually evaluate universities , but it 's only a part of the job which we do for society .
5 Wherever communication or interconnection of the warehouse with the adjacent accommodation is necessary functionally it is extremely important to ensure that the separation and containment of the risk can be achieved rapidly in the event of a fire .
6 It is therefore highly important to establish that the machine-readable product of Step 1 will be susceptible of all the necessary manipulation .
7 It is obviously important to know whether the car has been stolen or whether the driver has a criminal record .
8 It is nevertheless important to recognize that the conflict was in no serious sense the product of forces extraneous to Spain .
9 Nevertheless , even given the increasing constraints imposed by the centre upon local authorities ( see Chapter 10 ) it is still important to recognize that the centre only narrows the scope of decision-making — it does not determine it .
10 Even if a sale clearly appears to involve the transfer of a business as a going concern , it is still important to consider whether the Transfer Regulations are relevant .
11 As long as shareholders are principally distant institutions , it will become ever more important to ensure that the annual auditing of accounts is done in as independent and thorough a way as possible ; if shareholders wished , that audit could then be extended into more general strategic matters .
12 It is vitally important to remember that the lighting source is only one factor .
13 It is also important to decide whether the particular issue warrants bringing out all the big guns .
14 It is also important to realize that the C C P had a range of objectives for power up until nineteen forty nine .
15 But it is also important to remember that the object of the 1790 visit was really Switzerland , traditionally the land of liberty ; Wordsworth never retracted his belief in the ideals of Switzerland , which helps to explain why , when France threatened Swiss independence in the late 1790s , it was necessary for him to make a decisive choice .
16 It is also important to realise that the efficiency of nitrogen fixation by Rhizobium spp. is determined to a large extent by the amount of nitrogen salts in the soil , so the application of nitrate fertiliser will actually inhibit bacterial nitrogen fixation .
17 When it comes to using the right tools for the job it is also important to realise that the final output from a desktop publishing system is not always the end product .
18 It is also important to realise that the majority of design decisions are simple ones .
19 However , it is also important to appreciate that the dynamics of ‘ race ’ and racism as dimensions of British society and education are now significantly affected by the ‘ racialization ’ of British politics and the accelerated decline of the British economy in the context of recession and very specific state policies , some of which bear down particularly hard on black youth .
20 It is also important to note that the option chosen will often affect not only the employees directly involved , but may also have a significant impact on the local economy .
21 In passing , it is also important to note that the practice in some Health Authorities of issuing annual financial reports in addition to these statutory accounts was recognized by the Manual as voluntary reports , complementing the Statement of Accounts and outside the formal external audit .
22 At this stage , it was also important to establish that the best results would be achieved if a critical and constructive approach was adopted .
23 It was also important to ensure that the money was well spent .
24 It is also important to ensure that the tenant should not have to redecorate more than once in any one year and that while there is no objection to paints and materials being of " good quality " they should not be of the " best " quality .
25 It is also important to check that the limited company has already been incorporated and that it does actually have the power to own the property .
26 For instance , is it really important to realise that the ollie to nosepick above is on an exceptionally harsh bank in Nottingham ?
27 It is just as important to ensure that the contact names , addresses and phone numbers are included on captions as on releases .
28 It is equally important to see that the fence is well braced laterally with tripods at the ends and every 30 yards along its length .
29 But it is equally important to insist that the WEA is effective among an agricultural population …
30 Although there is some truth in this relative deprivation argument , it is equally important to note that the pains of imprisonment are mitigated by pleasant recollections : to be doing ‘ a lot of bird ’ without having lived well seems far more futile and absurd that to be paying for the rich fruits that crime has already brought .
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