Example sentences of "[adv] made [pers pn] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That meeting with Ken and his decision to make Ken 's part big made it a sort of broken-back type of play .
2 Moving to Guildford , Leese 's fanaticism and his willingness to devote all his time and resources to the new movement soon made him the fulcrum of racial nationalist activity in Britain .
3 In the launderette it was warm and cosy ; here Maggie made friends and fans and she had inconsequential conversations which mysteriously made her a member of the local community in a way she had never been when she had been fighting for the area 's well-being .
4 Wayne 's grandparents , Ken and Pat Peckham , paid just £1,700 for Champ whose marathon exploits quickly made him the people 's champion .
5 He also made her a piece of toast .
6 The prestigious Wedgwood name also made them a propaganda target for Hitler 's forces .
7 Young and eager , he was well placed to capture the emergent UK rap scene , and his forthright personality also made him a match for America 's often egoistic rap stars .
8 This also made him the winner of the European League of the World Cup , with the final in Del Mar , California , on April 15–19 as his next major task .
9 He also made it a condition that she be treated by a psychiatrist for a period not exceeding one year .
10 There was a new NI record for North Down 's Alison Moffitt , who hurled the javelin 47.54 metres and she later made it a double by throwing the discus 39.72 metres .
11 Stablemate Nijmegen nearly made it a double when beating all but the shock winner , Tomahawk , in the £22,500 Bic Lanzarote Hurdle at Kempton Park eight days later .
12 A gentleman of the faculty in the neighbourhood , hearing of the circumstance , and finding it so well authenticated , immediately made him an offer of ten guineas for the dog , which the grateful farmer refused , exultingly adding that so long as he had a bone in his meat , or a crust to his bread , he would divide it with the faithful friend who had preserved his life : arid this he did in a perfect conviction that the warmth of the dog , in covering the most vital part , had continued the circulation arid prevented a total stagnation of the blood by the frigidity of the elements . "
13 His presence and influence there made him a figure in world Christendom .
14 I actually made it a union firm .
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