Example sentences of "[adv] over at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But as it was Dod , I took my fifty quid and free ploughman 's lunches ( not that Canning Town 's seen a ploughman since Shakespeare packed 'em in over at the Globe in Southwark ) and we humped boxes and sat in traffic jams and set the world to rights .
2 THEY thought it was all over at the BBC 21 years ago when they switched off the most famous football commentating voice of all , Kenneth Wolstenholme .
3 She went hot all over at the thought , too upset to understand that she had only escaped his hold because he had let her .
4 it was all over at the start of the second half … it took Millwall just 17 seconds and ten touches to win the game …
5 Meanwhile over at The Theatre in Chipping Norton Mother Goose has found a novel way of beating the recession .
6 She could hear the clatter of iron shutters being cranked up over at the amusement arcades .
7 But when she brushed her hair out of her face and peered cautiously over at the bench Guy lay in the same position , completely unmoving .
8 Breakfast was not yet over at the curator 's house when Orrie came to announce that the police were in occupation , and beginning to stake out the ground .
9 Laura lapsed into a glum silence , staring blindly over at the children , who were now sitting on the grass , busily trying to make daisy chains .
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