Example sentences of "[adv] down [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And they had white , the whole lot like , and they stripped off right down to a white G-string , then they turned all the lights off and dropped them and by the time they 'd put the lights black on , back on , I ca n't speak now , they 'd had , they had a black one on so they , what they must have had , they well they do , they have loads of them on , they just peel them off like one after another never actually see them naked .
2 What was your priorities when you were doing that , what were your priorities as far as , was it to get it all down or was it just to get in down in a particular way what what do you see as the priorities when you were talking about doing it ?
3 The bungalow did n't look so large from the back , just discreetly expensive , a low white outline from which the lawn sloped gently down to a neat concreted waterside .
4 Some purpose-built blocks of flats fortunately have rubbish chutes on each landing , which means that you can dispose of the rubbish daily down to a large bin .
5 The track , after leaving the ridge , went steeply down for a few yards and then turned to the right and ran diagonally across the hill for a hundred yards ; the pile of rocks was about midway on the right-hand side of this length of the track .
6 We cut off down through a sloping jumble of gritstone boulders , rabbits everywhere starting for cover , all thankfully too fast for Bill or Eddy .
7 The A34 just south of Newbury is still down to a single lane due to the roadworks there , between the Swan roundabout and Sandalford roundabout and the A41 London road in Bicester has roadworks by the level crossing , temporary traffic lights there , expect some congestion which is reasonably bad at the moment , but it is beginning to clear in both directions .
8 The A forty-one though , at the Banbury spur is still down to a single lane between the junction with the A forty-six Longbridge Island and the A four five two , Grey 's Mallory Island , that 's for M forty construction work .
9 I could see green sleet falling straight down on a big green ambulance backed up our drive .
10 Inevitably they come straight down in a few minutes looking rather sheepish !
11 Pipelines bringing Turkmen gas to Armenia via Azerbaijan were closed ; and gas supplies from Russia via Georgia were also down by a third , due to a combination of pressure from Azerbaijan , pilfering , and local disruption .
12 Past little stands of foxglove in the green foreground before a copse , the floor of the wood swerves sharply down to a fast stream the colour of nickel .
13 The Gothic and Baroque buildings in the centre of town seemed somehow to reflect the gloom with their peeling plaster and crumbling façades : a once-proud city of towers and spires , balconies , alleys and doorways , with the university — a jumbled collection of yellow buildings and small courtyards — standing on a rock above the River Morava gazing severely down on a gold-domed Russian Orthodox church , now boarded up , its green roof tiles slipped and broken .
14 Deep down in a blue half light of the control room , American sailors huddle over their radar screens , plotting its progress towards Iraq .
15 She sat gracefully down on a low chair .
16 I fingered a few and then picked out a shiny foil bag that folded neatly down into a tiny pack .
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