Example sentences of "[adv] begin [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The company feels confident enough to begin exporting to the US before the end of the year .
2 Scotland had its own Royal Commission established in the same year ; in Wales consultations had already begun leading to the appointment of a working party ( Wood 1976 : 119 ; Alexander 1928b:29 ) ; and Northern Ireland was still governed in these matters from Stormont .
3 He had already begun contributing to the Gardeners ' Chronicle .
4 3 When it is time for interrogation , vary your approach — do n't always begin questioning from the same point in the classroom ; do n't always start with the same students but criss-cross about the classroom in a pattern that can not be identified by the students .
5 Instead he pushed his way into the small lounge and rapidly began sorting through the few books and papers she had left lying on the table .
6 Either someone on the German side understood English or the TARDIS 's telepathic circuits were at work again , because the Germans also began dashing for the exits on their side of the cavern .
7 The staff had been recruited and trained with a new professionalism ; and the new methods now began spreading into the rest of station catering , bringing to the name Travellers-Fare a new credibility and respect .
8 Fields now began thinking along the lines of a low-budget operation — and of a possible investor with the money , and the push , to satisfy the requirements of the CAA , and get the airline aloft .
9 " I can start clearing and draining the land at once , " Matthew said , " but I would n't begin planting until the autumn . "
10 The Marines did n't wait to be told twice , but simply began running for the door , firing as they went .
11 Beside him his father 's rifle recoiled , and they saw one of the two calves stagger , then begin stumbling after the bull .
12 But , as her stomach gave another helpless rumble of hunger , she sank down weakly on to one of the chairs and unceremoniously began ripping off the tin foil .
13 These were the three ‘ Prussian ’ quartets , K.575 in D , K.589 in B flat , and K.590 in F , Mozart 's last , which he certainly began composing on the way home from Berlin , but did not complete until the following year .
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