Example sentences of "[adv] begin [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The snobbish distinction between art and craft only began in the eighteenth century amongst collectors who felt it necessary to describe creativity according to their social or monetary values .
2 ’ Sergei 's troubles had all begun with an adulterous rendezvous in Gorky with a blind woman called Olga .
3 For example : each soloist need not begin with a formal bow to a king or to the audience , nor end with another bow or considered pose ; but such behaviour may be included if the choreographer wishes to locate dance in a particular century and probably a palace in which the story unfolds .
4 The threat from land-based medium-range Soviet weapons did not begin with the initial siting of the SS-20s in 1977 .
5 His words are a sober reminder that rebellion against God does not begin with the clenched fist of atheism but with the self-satisfied heart of the one for whom ‘ thank you ’ is redundant .
6 However , we need not begin with an arbitrary column ; we can readily find an appropriate column to begin with , which avoids many iteration steps .
7 The choice of starting and finishing places was arbitrary — the desert does not begin at a defined line .
8 The controversy finally ended when Cardinal Glemp assured international Jewish leaders during a visit to the United Kingdom that work would soon begin on a new centre , and construction began in February 1990 .
9 We 've gone to a lot of trouble here to promote good relations with the local community and I 'm not going to have all that good work vitiated by a totally unnecessary legal action , particularly not now when work will soon begin on the new reactor . ‘
10 This process had already begun with a mass mobilization in a literacy campaign which brought the illiteracy rate down from 50.2 per cent to 12.9 per cent by 1981 ( see page 245 ) .
11 Fortunately , considerable high-quality work has already begun on the legal , political and institutional aspects of global environmental change ( see , for instance , Nitze 1990 ) .
12 Work 's already begun on an electrified Paddington to Heathrow express .
13 It is , I think , also of interest to note that section 84 will normally come into play for the benefit of a defendant to action already begun by the local authority in the county court .
14 The Verdi example above begins with an upbeat , or anacrusis .
15 This would give him eighteen months ' salary as compensation for loss of office , and his pension was not to begin until the eighteen month period had elapsed .
16 Second stage recovery generally begins in the third year .
17 It can occur much earlier , but the peak danger period for the disease generally begins from the early part of July , and may persist right through the growing season until the big temperature drops of late autumn upset it .
18 The word thin begins with a single consonant phoneme represented by two consonant letters .
19 These were the very rays which provided energy to synthesise amino acids and sugars in the primordial oceans , so the arrival of the blue-greens ruled out the possibility that life on earth could ever begin in the same way again .
20 Bites usually begin with a slight tremble , or lift of half an inch or so , and then a steady but determined rise that continues until you strike or the fish lets go of the bait .
21 You must take for twenty-one days religiously , stop for seven , always begin on the same day of the week , got it ?
22 These usually began with a stern injunction to rise at 6.30 a.m. , first task to clear out the embers from the fire ( yet another pointer to the fire as the heart of the home ) and relight it .
23 Your really classic science-fiction movie usually begins with the big pan across deep space .
24 Serious questioning will probably begin with the time-honoured phrase , ‘ Tell me about yourself ’ .
25 The application of techniques 1 : the attacker and defender both begin in the right stance .
26 The first summons habitually began with a long and belligerent explanation of why some other weekend was not possible .
27 In a temporal context , the state of modern forestry represents the culmination of woodland resource use that probably began with the earliest hominids .
28 Federal Boiotia probably began in the sixth century ( there are Boiotarchs at Hdt. ix .
29 Officials said that the contamination probably began in the 1950s .
30 England also began with a 3-0 win , against Finland .
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