Example sentences of "[adv] try [to-vb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A long and somewhat rambling discussion followed during which the judge effectively tried to persuade the barrister that he must get up before the jury in order to say , ‘ in terms that the remark that you made was a remark which should not have been made and apologise , and you can say in terms that one of the reasons why it was a remark which should not have been made was that you had never seen the document ; you did not know what it contained . ’
2 Anne crouched , and gently tried to pull the pillow away .
3 True , a small band of bridge trolls tried to ambush them on one occasion , and a party of brigands nearly caught them unawares one night ( but unwisely tried to investigate the Luggage before slaughtering the sleepers ) .
4 I wanted to put a a morning on when I realised there was problems here just a morning an open morning which would of brought probably nine hundred thousand pounds into this building , in July I came in to try to see the Director of the playhouse I could n't go through the written way because I was waiting for exam date to come through .
5 Some £4.25 billion has been thrown away on trying to get the people out of the mess into which the Government have placed them and £5,795 million has been poured in to try to save the Government from embarrassment .
6 He should have told Cottee to go and do his talking on the park and perhaps tried to change the team plan to assist his strike-force ( if that 's the right word ) .
7 The Doctrine must be seen for what it was — a very political document which had been hastily cobbled together to try to fill the power vacuum caused by the Suez fiasco .
8 the police and the parents were trying to work together to try to solve the problem , but the parents accused the police of ignoring any help given to them .
9 ‘ I 'm surprised the Barnet fans have n't got together to try to get the club taken over and I 'm also surprised that Barry Fry is still there . ’
10 And if Ingard was going bust , he 'd naturally try to flog the land to anyone he could .
11 Nutritionists believe that the metabolism reaches its peak at 12 noon , so try to eat the majority of your food before mid-afternoon .
12 I am not merely trying to preserve the tradition of my country .
13 I , I do n't think we 're taking away the Planning and Environment Committee 's delegated powers , we 're merely trying to ensure the policy and resources committee is consulted on proposals for conversion of residential accommodation , for the , oh I will say the moral reasons that Mr outlined , I would n't really disagree with what he said .
14 I 'm only trying to sell the time then !
15 I am sorry , I am only trying to answer the question .
16 He felt Simon was only trying to prolong the visit .
17 Cranog Jones says he was only trying to de-tune the engine .
18 But the Indonesian authorities are not only trying to control the rate at which the Timorese breed — they also want to dictate where they live .
19 The vet is only trying to assist the cat , but there is no way that the animal can associate the injection , or the forcible administration of a medicine , with its feeling healthier later on .
20 Not many people will complete the route in fewer than 12 days , so trying to fit the walk into a two-week holiday is pushing your luck — you must make allowances for delays and for time spent on the island getting to and from the start and finish .
21 So trying to break the habit actually increases the compulsion to smoke or to eat too much !
22 His task had been bad enough trying to persuade the region that a company with £310m of debt had any credibility at all .
23 Mr Heslop said there was no evidence to support Mr Venables ' claim that Mr Sugar had agreed there should be a ‘ balanced board ’ to protect his position ; or that Mr Sugar had agreed to be a non-executive chairman ; or that each had agreed not to try to force the other off the board .
24 Anxious to film the final " fire " scene , we desperately tried to overtake the tail of the throng making its way back along the narrow causeway , but our legs were betraying us .
25 The pilot wrestled with the highjackers as he desperately tried to land the plane at Canton airport , it then slammed into two other passenger jets .
26 ‘ Must be five pounds at least , ’ Billy yelled , as he desperately tried to keep the shoal penned between the four of them .
27 For the first half of the last century , most European nations assumed that France would somehow try to repeat the project .
28 But nor do I think that you should somehow try to cosset the position of the leader of the party .
29 While any one of these groups can individually try to alter the design of a building , each can only achieve a little on their own .
30 Do not try to pre-empt the situation by going to the media .
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