Example sentences of "[adv] put [pn reflx] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A seventeen year old , bright and intelligent enough to put herself on an equal footing with her father .
2 But since such progress is conceived as immanent to musical history itself , independent of variants of musical practice , social usage and reception , the theory moves dangerously close to a hypostasis of technique ; at the very least it confines the relationship between musical and social structures to the level of the longue durée , since at that level society is ‘ encapsulated ’ in music , while in between , music 's ‘ autonomous unfoldment … follows the social dynamics without a glance or any direct communication ’ ( ibid : 206–7 ) , still less putting itself at the service of particular social subjects .
3 To be a recipient is normally to put oneself in a subordinate position .
4 ( 1 ) The defendants were the plaintiff 's agents for the sale of Caliban and as such owed him contractual and fiduciary duties to disclose to him all material matters concerning the sale so that he would be able to make an informed judgment as to what price to accept for Caliban. ( 2 ) The defendants were also under a fiduciary duty not to put themselves in a position where their duties to the plaintiff were in conflict with their own interests or those of any other of their clients .
5 Thus , in the present case , the scope of the fiduciary duties owed by the defendants to the plaintiff ( and in particular the alleged duty not to put themselves in a position where their duty and their interest conflicted ) are to be defined by the terms of the contract of agency .
6 The BBC were thus putting themselves in a very difficult journalistic and legal position .
7 One of a director 's fiduciary duties of particular relevance in management buy-outs is that he must not put himself in a position where his duty to the company may conflict with his personal interest .
8 Naturally the ILP remained hostile to the League , commenting that : The only groups which will participate in this effort are the insignificant number which have already put themselves outside the ILP .
9 Mr Lo thus put himself in the forefront of consensus politics in Hong Kong , thereby leaving his unrelated namesake , Lo Tak-shing , to seize the high ground further to the right .
10 There was no yardage chart in those days , but I worked out very quickly that Arnold was two clubs stronger than me , so I just put myself in the same situation and added on two clubs .
11 I say , just put yourself in the position of one of those chimps living in concentration-camp conditions . ’
12 To maintain rapport in a postal survey we must always put ourselves in the position of the respondent .
13 They had also put themselves into the role of mediators , if anyone wanted to use them .
14 Or again , someone may honestly put himself under the lordship of Christ yet at the same time adhere to a Christian lifestyle or espouse Christian values which by temperament or nationality he would be likely to appreciate anyway .
15 Can you also put yourself in the editor 's shoes and draft a short introductory paragraph .
16 Yet when Cornwall pronounces him the new Earl of Gloucester , and orders him to seek his father out , Edmund has yet another layer of pretence at hand : Edmund 's perversion of such words as ‘ nature ’ , ‘ loyalty ’ , and ‘ blood ’ is grimly evident to us , but not to Cornwall — who may not understand those terms , in any case — and who now puts himself into the position of an adopted father to Edmund : ‘ I will lay trust upon thee ; and thou shalt find a dearer father in my love ’ ( 24f . ) .
17 CURRY lovers who regularly put themselves through the pain of eating hot , spicy food may be physically addicted to the ‘ high ’ it gives , according to new research .
18 Although you might have driven a long way to get there , do n't put yourself into a situation you ca n't handle .
19 Do n't put yourself in a situation where the treasurer has to come back to the committee to argue over every last penny .
20 the natural deduction from what I have said so far would be for Governments to end the necessity of monetising debt and make sure that they do n't put themselves in the position of monetising debt — at any rate in circumstances where there is not a substantial deficiency of demand for labour and where therefore the monetisation of debt would not be counterbalanced by an increase in real production .
21 ‘ It means , ’ replied the elder hedgehog , ‘ that you simply put yourself in the dog 's place , and think how you would like someone to behave towards you . ’
22 If they think I 'm pretty , that 's nice , I 'm complimented ; but if they do n't think I am , I have n't put myself on the line .
23 Rather more interesting , however , to Julia than either Ian 's or Canon Wheeler 's vision for the Church was the very puzzling question of why , when he invariably summoned his subordinates to come to him by phone , Wheeler had today put himself to the trouble of walking up a back staircase to the servants ' quarters ?
24 Today I 've rather put myself under a strain .
25 It is also clear from Walkley v Precision Forgings [ 1979 ] 1 WLR 606 and Chappell v Cooper [ 1980 ] 2 All ER 463 that where the plaintiff commences an action during the primary s11 or s12 limitation period but then puts himself in a position where he can not pursue it , for instance by letting his writ expire without service or delaying so much that his action is struck out for want of prosecution , the court will have no power to exercise s33 discretion , since it is the plaintiff 's own action or default which has prejudiced him and not the operation of s11 or 12 .
26 The young CA apprentice travelled from London to Paris and then put himself in the hands of the International Brigades organisation for the final leg of his journey to Spain .
27 Why put yourself in a position of possible risk when you do n't need to ?
28 I 'd unnecessarily put myself in a stressful situation .
29 She parallels her experience struggling to gain control of her body on the trapeze with her struggle with the creative process ; ‘ working on the trapeze one is continually putting oneself in a position of overcoming fear .
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