Example sentences of "[adv] find [pn reflx] in the " in BNC.

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1 The people which only a few years previously had committed brutal genocide and waged a terrible war of destruction suddenly found themselves in the role of the great advocate of justice .
2 And what course of action would the Mozambican journalists who criticize their government 's policies ( Political puzzles ) take if they suddenly found themselves in the hot-seat of a country in chaos ?
3 Turning for the door , Mungo suddenly found himself in the overwhelming dark .
4 Schmidt suddenly found himself in the space between them , his hand outstretched for the lock .
5 Having ridden the contradictions , the paper suddenly found itself in the middle of them .
6 We suddenly found ourselves in the Turkish baths with a dozen nude men .
7 Over the next decade a succession of ‘ Aldwych farces ’ would run for at least 200 performances each , and some for many more : A Cuckoo in the Nest ( 1925 ) , Rookery Nook ( 1926 ) , Thark ( 1928 ) , and Plunder ( 1928 ) alone occupied the years from 1925 to 1929 , and to them all Lynn would bring his own unique brand of wistful stooging : essentially he was the Stan Laurel [ q.v. ] to the much more bluff Hardy of Tom Walls , but Lynn 's timing , notably on staircases and when suddenly finding himself in the wrong room with the wrong people and quite often the wrong name , was a lesson in comic technique for generations of stage actors .
8 ‘ And I just found myself in the right place at the right time ! ’
9 But NoS was more like a racing power-boat , and Horsley soon found himself in the position of a water-skier rather than a captain .
10 He was attracted by an advertisement for a ‘ lab boy ’ at the then University College and soon found himself in the office of the Registrar , Mr Hedley Pickbourne .
11 Though the CPRS had drawn up an agenda in four parts , starting with our relationship with the external world , we soon found ourselves in the middle of a second reading debate over the whole field .
12 They were smiling , willing , charming , but they looked like a family from a breakfast cereal commercial who had somehow found themselves in the middle of a real occasion .
13 If the semanticist takes the first tack , he soon finds himself in the business of adducing an apparently endless proliferation of senses of the simplest looking words .
14 There was no-one in reception , but if a stranger entered , he would soon find himself in the company of a gentleman in a blue suit with a friendly smile on his face and a bulge under his coat .
15 Planned tours aside , it 's just possible that all of the Brennan family could soon find themselves in the charts .
16 He liked some music but generally was n't musical and was always slightly put off to find himself in the company of those who were .
17 Nick Gillingham 's proudest moment was winning a silver medal at the Seoul Olympics almost 2 years ago , but it 's a sad perhaps frustrating fact that Gillingham still finds himself in the shadow of his greatest rival , Adrian Moorhouse .
18 For instance , Music and Sports both find themselves in the Arts .
19 On an evening when he had broken the silence with one of his quietist cracks she would feel a sense of remorse and insufficiency descending on her , and hours later find herself in the larder , eating the remains of whatever was under the meat sieve and weeping that she should do something so self-defeating and stupid .
20 I was usually summoned by telephone and invited round to Downing Street at 8 p.m. , when Wilson would be alone in the Cabinet room , which he preferred to any office or study , and where , sitting at the long Cabinet table , I often found myself in the seat normally occupied by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and enjoyed moments of brief delusional glory !
21 I often find myself in the middle , accused of reaction by both parties .
22 In the years leading up to retirement and after , women often find themselves in the role of carer , looking after an aged partner or ailing parents and other relations , or in certain situations , adult children .
23 Neither would a sovereign state 's government necessarily want to oppose transnational corporations , for the former often find themselves in the unenviable position of needing the latter more than the latter need them .
24 Unable to hold the stage in any other way he set out to organise a ‘ popular demand ’ for immediate independence without trusteeship , and having succeeded beyond his expectations now finds himself in the position of having to deliver the goods or recede from the front of the political stage and lose all hope of fulfilling his personal ambitions .
25 Pete , who honed his career up at Hope Street in productions like John McGrath 's The Bofers Gun , now finds himself in the thick of more flak in the new movie , The Last of the Mohicans , which opened last night .
26 Advisers are therefore more often finding themselves in the position of having to tell the client that they can not help in any material way .
27 The embattled Premier will now find himself in the dock at Brighton .
28 And the Northern Ireland International surprisingly finding himself in the clear twice already in the first five minutes , although that was er obviously not a chance .
29 It goes up and straight down l and you ca n't stay up erm in the water , you go straight under and you do n't find yourself in the middle erm of the pool where it actually comes in you find yourself being pressed against the wall by the water pressure
30 But Portillo is fast becoming flavour of the month and will increasingly find himself in the public eye .
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