Example sentences of "[adv] know the [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Very , very soon the secret of life would be revealed , and Ruth would rather know the secret of death .
2 In the tradition of Advaita or non-Dualism he refers to the soul , ( Ātman ) , and God , ( Brahman ) , as knowers rather than objects of knowledge and claims that it is not possible for mortal beings by the use of reason alone to know the knower of knowing .
3 Her letter asked : ‘ Do you personally know the origin of your surname and what is it like being called ‘ Dudley Fishburn ’ ? ’ .
4 Jakobson 's answer to this argument is , however , a powerful one : all users of a language must necessarily know the system of categories into which its different elements are divided , even if only unconsciously ; and his analysis of poetry does not claim to represent what goes on in the reader 's mind , but to account for the special effect which the poetry , for reasons of which he may well be unaware , exercises on him .
5 I 've faced Willie often enough to know the meaning of pain .
6 I can see the land is in good heart , and I remember enough to know the extent of the estates .
7 As compared with the more usual situation in which we only know the activity of people over a short period , such data raise some challenging statistical and econometric problems .
8 Atkins employed these cyanotype plates to publish the first book illustrated with photographs , pre-dating her colleague William Henry Fox Talbot 's better known The Pencil of Nature ( 1844–6 ) .
9 But the bees not only knew the voice of their owner but also his particular smell : one bee-keeper told the writer : ‘ Whenever I go to the barber 's I 've always to tell him : ‘ Nothing on , thank you . ’
10 Several of them were bound in a strange dry leathery material , which Ace was happy not to know the origin of .
11 The three schoolmasters upon whom he looked back with gratitude tell something about the boy : ( 1 ) a clear-headed Anglo-Catholic priest with a rasp of a voice who taught classics , Henry Balmforth : ( 2 ) the librarian Burd , a true classical scholar , and the only master in the school said not to know the name of the captain of cricket : ( 3 ) a gentle teacher ( Hayward ) , more expert at moths and butterflies than adolescents .
12 The equivalent level of ignorance in another subject might be not to know the name of Shakespeare or anything at all about evolution or to have any skills of basic measuring or to know that Asia is a continent .
13 I also found ‘ lanisticola ’ more aggressive — that being relative , as my real ‘ livingstonii ’ seemed not to know the meaning of the word .
14 There is nothing to be said for propounding the philosophy of history if you do not know the date of the Battle of Waterloo .
15 When he said he did not know the date of Adam 's return , Lewis Verne-Smith had not lied to the police .
16 ‘ You , ’ said Rincewind , dismounting , ‘ do not know the half of it .
17 Since even Mr Kinnock does not know the secret of what he really thinks , what chance is there of anyone else finding it out ?
18 He found himself glad that he did not know the location of Surere 's hide-out .
19 He had not read the Tower Commission 's report , evidently ; did not know that McFarlane had pleaded guilty to misdemeanours ; did not know the substance of the charges against Poindexter ; had not altered in any particular the mythology created when the edifice had first crashed down , in November 1986 .
20 When she told me how she came to be a refugee , she paused reflectively before each statement , conscious that as a foreigner I might not know the history of Palestine before 1948 .
21 What is interesting about this is that they clearly do not know the history of the form ; they are unaware that the rule was made so rigidly in the first place to suit the whims of anti-feminists .
22 some of you may not know the history of this decision .
23 In an interview with The Art Newspaper on 28 September , Christopher Davidge , managing director of Christies International , explained , ‘ by the end of the decade we will have a whole set of new clients who will not know the tradition of Christie 's and Sotheby 's as does our current base .
24 The Royal Commission expresses its surprise at the ignorance of water authorities , which still do not know the scale of the problem .
25 But she had no wish to go further into the pseudo-science , and did not know the hour of her birth anyway — only that she had Sol in Cancer .
26 The driver did not know the colour of the man 's eyes .
27 I was glad then that he did not know the subject of the talk I had just given at the conference — the possibility that space-time was finite but had no boundary , which means that it had no beginning , no moment of Creation .
28 ‘ Do you not know the story of the Persian warrior who was marching to battle ? ’
29 COUNSEL : Turning now to another part of the same statement , although you do not know the magnitude of the forces , perhaps you can tell the Court what you meant when you used the words " from time to time " ?
30 Some manufacturers could come up trumps and it is regrettable that we do not know the name of the supplier of a truly splendid set of stamped gilt copper grip-plates with integral coronets and a trinity of really charming chinoiserie bells on the 1777 coffin of the Second Earl De La Warr at Withyam , Sussex .
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