Example sentences of "[adv] see [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I was n't about to miss the parade , and went on to see the whole event , and photographed it — all the red flags , the guns , the cannons , the missiles , everything , including Black September Group marching .
2 Especially to see the wide lady .
3 School parties were bused in to see the existing power stations in action .
4 I had n't seen her since you went to America , and then about six months ago I was staying the week-end with the Coleworthys and I thought I had better drop in to see the old girl in case she heard I was in the neighbourhood and took offence "
5 From mid April to late summer , depending on the success of the breeding season , ospreys will be around and , if you visit in July or August and the season has been a success , you may be lucky enough to see a new family of young birds exercising their strengthening wings .
6 Worst for Mr Clinton , he might jilt California only to see the Supreme Court decide for state over federal rights , thus losing face for nothing .
7 My memories of it , I 've got , I 've always got wonderful memories of the Co-op , you see and that Co-op has been there m on that corner which , when it closed a few years ago I went down to see the present executive officer , he was then assistant , and we campaigned against the closing of Walsall Wood shop but erm course it was of no avail .
8 ‘ We 've only seen a small part of the hospital wing , ’ Fairham observed .
9 Dreaming does not seem to be confined to our own species : research on the subject would appear to indicate that animals likewise have dreams : we have all seen a sleeping dog twitch as it ‘ chases rabbits ’ .
10 We have all seen the new jogger in his designer track suit and shoes , puffing and panting along the pavement , joints creaking and heart pounding as though his life depended upon it .
11 On the other hand , on a computer screen you can only see a small amount of information at any given time , whereas with index cards you can lay them out across a table or on the floor for an overview .
12 He 'd been right when he told Alison that he was n't overlooked , because he could only see a narrow slice of his lounge from here ; but when he got down on his hands and knees and peered through the wrought ironwork the angle improved and he could see almost half of the room .
13 The main river of the strath is not called Conon but Meig and its headwaters rise on the slopes of Moruisg/Ceannaichean above Achnashellach , giving a through route which was once as busy as Strath Bran but now only sees the rare backpacker with an eye for good cross-country walking .
14 In the more general case , in which there is no direct estimate of the expected variable , one can not merely see the actual value of a variable as a measure of the rational expectation of that variable , despite the fact that the two should differ only by a random error .
15 I suddenly saw a burning plane coming down from the sky … with its nose pointing towards the apartment buildings .
16 Certain countries , Ghana first and Tanzania considerably later , developed their own particular political creeds and naturally saw the primary school as an important instrument to lay the basis of particular attitudes and values .
17 A juror asked what the comforts were , for he only saw a little straw in the corner of the room , the windows of which were broken .
18 Only saw a dim outline , really .
19 And as I say again , I never went into a into the shops , I only saw the expensive stuff really .
20 At first she only saw the dark shape of the forest beside the road , then as her eyes adjusted to a faint lifting of the gloom a narrow laneway appeared between the trees .
21 The final touch down saw a convincing win over Chicksands .
22 He got to his fret and dusting himself down saw a large hole in the door behind him .
23 I 'm not quite sure the Labour Party 's picked that out and I may be unfair to them in s it 's not enough if you only see a regional policy d just development and economic led .
24 Watching the pinches of flake sink out of sight into the roots I only see the rod-tip curve over out of the corner of my eye .
25 You only see the negative side of Beirut on the news back home .
26 And we have latterly seen a feminist perspective informing the debate about nuclear weapons .
27 The reliance of elderly people on walking as a mode of transport increases their exposure to risk whilst their failing faculties raise the likelihood of them not seeing the striking vehicle .
28 not seeing the only point of being there
29 Not to see a mad woman . ’
30 She hurried forward with her head down so as not to see the diesel-and-hemp-smelling boathouse where she and Francis had once kissed and kissed ; or the two canvas shoes pushed on dock posts to dry and which she was certain had belonged to Francis .
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