Example sentences of "[adv] come the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As we settled ourselves , the boardroom door opened and in came the stocky figure of a man I had met , in quite different circumstances , a couple of weeks before .
2 The door it adorned was open and from inside came the familiar sound of a photocopier on print and collate .
3 Suddenly from below came the unmistakable sound of gunfire , the roar of a shotgun sounding along with a short sharp burst of a machine gun .
4 Down comes the house ; down come the tall trees , naked and gashed lies the once beautiful park .
5 Out of the land of heaven Down comes the warm Sabbath sun .
6 And so comes the baleful conclusion : that Vietnam , a war that split America apart on class lines , continues to be a national sore , causing a steady throb of pain .
7 Finally comes the simple message : ‘ The Church of England this Sunday . ’
8 Off came the stylish suit and soon she was again prancing provocatively around the stage in a skimpy pink sequined bra and shorts .
9 From below he heard shouting and running feet , and from further off came the muffled sound of more gunfire .
10 Off came the flying jacket and up for sale went the £200,000 aircraft .
11 The two humans were still coming the other way .
12 Later came the acute attacks of asthma — and the need for Caroline to pummel me ( it 's hilarious only in retrospect ! ) as I fought for breath .
13 Somewhat later came the present owner , John Matta , who now takes great pleasure in greeting Citalia guests and welcomes them on arrival with a gift of the wonderful Chianti Classico from his excellent cellars and offers them a typical Tuscan dinner at a reasonable price , which is taken most weeks in the castle 's impressive banqueting hall .
14 For instance , some of the poem 's ideas came from Milton 's Paradise Lost , some came from Bruce 's account of the source and fountains of the Blue Nile in Abyssinia , whence also came the Abyssinian maid playing on her dulcimer .
15 Dress in ‘ bad taste ’ was the order of the day at Key Street and out came the psychedelic shirts , hideous trousers , flower power shorts , multi-coloured spotted nightshirts , loud ties and luminous tights , complete with resplendent ankle socks .
16 Now came the key play of the king of spades .
17 Now came the difficult part : telling Patterson I was borrowing his car .
18 Back came the prolonged roar : ‘ No . ’
19 Back came the pompous reply : ‘ We never attribute emotions to Her Majesty . ’
20 You signed up for tennis lessons ( out comes the shorty tennis skirt , a volley of wolf-whistles from the labourers outside , and off to the courts where the horrid male instructor drills you as if you 're in the Green Berets ) .
21 Now comes the boring part .
22 And now comes the final indignity — excommunication from Cluedo .
23 But now comes the idiosyncratic twist .
24 Now comes the skilful part .
25 A number of players were tried out with the championship very much in mind and now comes the real test for the youngsters on Sunday in Newry .
26 Now comes the National Academy of Sciences , the advice-spewing , honorary pinnacle of American science , with a super-nationalistic design for re-establishing harmony between science and its balky patron : Science , Technology , and the Federal Government : National Goals for a New Era ( 54 pp , free from the NAS Committee on Science , Engineering , and Public Policy , 2101 Constitution Ave , NW , Washington , DC 20418 ) .
27 Now comes the dodgy part .
28 But it may soon be forgotten , because now comes the bad news : the All Blacks arrive tomorrow .
29 Now comes the hard part of scrapping those that are worthless , and that may be many or all !
30 Now comes the hard part
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