Example sentences of "[adv] come [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Other important casting centres have since come to light in Nigeria and some hundreds of castings have been analysed .
2 The new government pledged itself to deal with a range of serious environmental problems affecting the country , the extent of many of which had only come to light after the collapse of communist rule .
3 As the conditions changed to the more temperate climate we know today , so the proportion of reptiles had decreased — but there was no overall trend of the kind that would be implied if the mammals had only come into existence in the later geological periods .
4 This is especially useful for those who live in cities or industrial areas where many have only come into contact with pets such as hamsters , goldfish , cats and dogs .
5 Both of us need a few moments alone to come to terms with things .
6 It is as if the words had suddenly come to life inside my head .
7 The measure was condemned by some economists as crude and ill-conceived , particularly since it threatened to wipe out the personal savings of many ordinary people : Soviet citizens were generally disinclined to place their money in accounts with the state savings bank , either because of mistrust , or because the low interest rate provided little incentive , or because it was necessary to carry a large amount of cash in case of chancing upon a scarce commodity which had suddenly come into stock in a state shop .
8 There are elements of a vicious version of the hermeneutic circle involved : people do n't like poetry because they have n't read enough to come to terms with it , and they have n't read enough because they do n't like it .
9 By this time Steven was old enough to come to terms with the divorce , but Matthew still found it difficult .
10 It was a sort of cabaret to the main business of the halt , which was the consumption of quite a lot of a bear which had incautiously come within bowshot of Hrun .
11 But now , nearly thirty years later , when he thought he had long come to terms with the deed and his own reaction to it , memory had begun to stir again .
12 In all of this there existed an air of the cottage industry , with an informality that , consciously or not , took its measure from the example of its chairman , who continued to live and work — now with the added impedimenta of potties and baby-gates — on a houseboat on the Regents Canal ; who drove a second-hand Volvo ; and who had not long come into possession of a washing-machine .
13 ( The General Next to God , Collins ) Many of his far-reaching proposals only came to fruition during the social reforms after the Second World War .
14 Parts of the contents of the manual only came to light as a result of criminal trials following an incident at Orgreave during the strike , at which some of the techniques were implemented for the first time .
15 This new evidence was held by the defence and only came to light during the trial .
16 The spraying of the pesticide , Galecron , took place in 1976 , but only came to light during a recent Swiss TV programme .
17 The crimes only came to light in 1990 when one of Oldfield 's victims , then an adult , was himself charged with indecency to children .
18 ( Details only came to light in 1972 , when London Transport received a compulsory purchase order , in connection with a further rebuilding of the bridge . )
19 There are early mentions of the Portadown district in Latin documents about Papal taxation in 1296 and 1302 where the references are to Plebs Varren ( or , more familiarly , Ballyoran ) and the name ‘ Ballywarren al' Portadowne ’ is in the Ulster Inquisitions of 1609 but Portadown as a village only came into existence at the Plantation of Ulster .
20 Pakistan only came into existence as an independent country shortly after the end of the Second World War and consequently shares much of its cultural and rug-making heritage with India .
21 It was an exercise to prove the existence of a Nonconformist unity which only came into existence by the exercise .
22 ‘ Do you know that in the mythology of Earth the concept of freedom only came into existence after male and female ate of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil .
23 Although Trusts only came into operation in April ninety one , the evidence suggests that many , that many have improved patient services in many w many areas waiting lists have been cut through greater efficiency and increased use of day surgery .
24 The argument that , quite apart from the question of recklessness , the Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims 1976 ( which only came into force in the UK in December 1986 ) does as a matter of law override the limitation provisions of both the Hague-Visby Rules and the Athens Convention ( for passenger claims ) will not be easily accepted by Norton Rose .
25 He was potentially a useful ally and one with whom Edward needed to keep on good terms , if only because of his claim to the French throne ; but he proved unreliable and the expedition to Normandy was aborted when he suddenly came to terms with John II .
26 Laidlaw trailed off when a car suddenly came into view at the other end of the dimly lit street .
27 Rounding the great bend opposite East Ord , they suddenly came into view of the English forces massing over a mile ahead .
28 India naturally came into focus as a field for Round Table action some time before the other dependencies .
29 It literally came to light by accident when it fell out of a bag — it was God 's will , I suppose . ’
30 those necessarily coming into effect before being laid ( e.g. , where publicity would nullify their effect ) if due notice of the fact and the reasons for it has not been given to the Speaker , ;
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