Example sentences of "[adv] well [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 " With his characteristic forthrightness — perhaps better adapted to engineering projects than affairs of the heart — he started his investigations " wrote his son later .
2 However , the British breeds are considered better for meat quality and taste and also for thrift and adaptability ; they remain in demand as sucklers , whereas the French and other large continental breeds are perhaps better suited as beef sires for commercial crossbreeding in dairy herds .
3 People throughout the world suddenly became much better informed about radiation hazards .
4 Phil Philips , deputy secretary of the British Hotels , Restaurants and Caterers Association , said : ‘ People in the industry are much better educated about AIDS than they were in 1987 . ’
5 The ribbon could be fed into a casting machine in another part of the building , where it cast single characters , producing a quality of type much better suited to bookwork than was a Linotype slug .
6 Many commodity markets are institutionally well suited to speculation , having developed facilities for buying crops before they are harvested ( futures markets ) for small down-payments ( margin trading ) .
7 The unit comes extremely well packed in polystyrene , not a bad thing considering it costs a fairly staggering £143.75 , and consists mainly of a 25mm by 355mm by 260mm black plastic box .
8 The rest had been so well prepared for work by their previous sixteen years of socialisation that they found few problems .
9 Lucky child , to be so well cared for while others suffer so much !
10 What may be thought surprising is the absence of Celtic deities which are so well represented in stone sculpture and reliefs , especially in the west .
11 It was so well hidden by forest , however , that they were almost upon it before she really had the chance to look .
12 I still occasional refer to these especially when I need a ‘ refresher ’ so well expressed by Veal in his unique manner .
13 That analysis is so well understood in North America that their discrimination statutes merely enact a general prohibition on employment discrimination on account of disability .
14 From top to bottom this was a society , which as David Ganz has so well observed in connection with the predestination controversy , ‘ was all too aware of its sins , all too uncertain of their forgiveness ’ .
15 There are many species of ‘ flying ’ squirrels , but none of these is so well equipped for flight as the colugo , their gliding membranes being not nearly so extensive .
16 So well organised in support of their pay were the highly skilled journeymen calico printers in the late eighteenth century that even before the advent of machine printing de-skilled them , some employers turned to alternative methods of patterning cloths which used cheaper female and child labour .
17 Australia has major coal , gas and uranium reserves but is less well endowed with oil .
18 The figures also demonstrate how well matched are the action and control samples : that in both places they were well matched on age , proportion with an involved relative/ friend , proportion in owner-occupied housing , and on OBS score ; they were less well matched on gender and on proportion without an inside lavatory ( though the difference was not great ) , and least well matched on marital status and on proportion living alone , with the Ipswich control sample and the Newham action sample being more likely to be married and ( therefore ) not living alone .
19 Black people are relatively less well represented in service industries and in construction .
20 British supervisors and managers are less qualified , more poorly trained , less well informed of training and its importance than French and German managers .
21 As has been shown , analysis of NCTs main 1979 survey results demonstrates that in general poorer people , less well educated people , those in lower social classes , old people and women rather than men are less well informed about credit , and more likely to use a type of credit out of habit or convenience rather than as a matter of rational choice .
22 Particularly at election time , television reached out and informed sections of the electorate which were usually much less well informed about politics .
23 He was not , in fact , the first to work with the Longhorns : a blacksmith named Welby living on the borders of Leicestershire and Derbyshire had been attempting systematic improvement of the type using animals from the Derbyshire herd of Sir Thomas Gresley of Drakelow House , Burton-on-Trent ( a herd which by 1720 was already uniform and impressively well matched for shape and colour ) , and a Mr Webster of Canley , near Coventry , bred animals from the same herd with stock from Westmorland and Lancashire .
24 ‘ Oh , I 'm sure we could let you out for that , McAllister , ’ Dr Neil had said , only for Sally-Anne to murmur modestly that since she was already well treated for time off she could not possibly ask for more .
25 The top-end of the market , where the likes of Intel Scientific Computer and Parsytec live , is already well populated with compiler technology , but Portland reckons there is a great deal of ground to be gained amongst the host of niche players banging out i860 boards for graphics and CPU acceleration .
26 Already well known to art colleges in this country from his directorship of the Glasgow School of Art between 1980 and 1986 , a period which witnessed the emergence of an exciting new generation of Scottish figurative painters , Professor Jones returns from the United States with an enhanced reputation for public relations and for the support of his students .
27 In United Kingdom Association of Professional Engineers v. ACAS ( 1980 ) the Association sought recognition from a company already well supplied with trade unions .
28 The piano works of Igor Stravinsky are not well represented on CD , so the re-issue of Michel Béroff 's recordings is to be welcomed with open arms .
29 The 1984 Kirklees Report showed that ethnic minority clients were not well represented among CAB clients at the time .
30 Or they may move because their old location is not well placed for transport facilities .
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