Example sentences of "[adv] she had [been] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 It was n't until later , when Robyn heard Anne 's key in the lock , that she realised just how long she had been staring into space , miserably going over and over the disastrous weekend , in a futile attempt to try and put it all back into some sort of perspective .
2 Perhaps she had been taking too little care , or perhaps it was the strain of the bereavement coming out in physical symptoms .
3 During the last half hour or so she had been pacing the room like a caged animal , insisting that the door should be kept ajar and the window opened wide .
4 So she had been asking after him .
5 It was then Gedanken realized that all along she had been hearing the voices of the beetles over a loudspeaker .
6 For the first time she recognized that secretly she had been looking for some way out for herself and Midnight .
7 For the past five days now she had been living somewhere on cloud nine , and had decided that she might just as well set up home there , as it was such a wonderful place to be .
8 Seemingly she had been living rough since her owner died and knew a good home when she found one .
9 Only an hour ago she had been finishing the evening milking , peaceful in the milking house with Florence .
10 A few moments ago she had been burning up in his arms , caught up in the fever of his lovemaking , but now the blood seemed to have turned to ice in her veins , frozen by his uncaring tones .
11 Surely she had been enjoying herself .
12 When she had left Madam Lundy 's presence earlier she had been shivering with reaction , but that had now passed , leaving her calm , her options clear .
13 She proudly showed me the size 16 slacks she was wearing — eight weeks earlier she had been wearing size 22 !
14 A few hours earlier she had been grinding wearily at Latin prose composition , when she had caught a shocked glimpse of her pinched , haggard face in the mirror .
15 Thirty minutes earlier she had been going up the stairs to read the newspaper on the toilet .
16 Yesterday , at 3.30pm , her neighbours realised why she had been smiling and waving once more , driving the green Subaru down the winding dirt-track to her Wiltshire home .
17 Often in the days when she had been touring , had not the same thing happened — and nothing thought of it ?
18 Perhaps , she thought it was because Mark had been there at the planning stage — Mark Bristow , the dynamic young advertising executive she had met and fallen in love with when she had been chasing jobs in the heart of Somerset ; Mark who , in spite of being English , had lived long enough in the States to absorb — and give off — some of the typically American blend of enthusiasm and energy .
19 Her mother 's breath had been sour as it always was when she had been drinking .
20 This second misfortune seemed to revive her memories of the earlier time when she had been carrying his child and had been given to understand that her husband had been simultaneously carrying on an affair with some young army chauffeuse .
21 Biting her lip Amabel reproached herself thoroughly and sincerely for not having forced her to wear those whalebone stays all night when she had been growing up .
22 For her to have gone off with him like that showed she must still care for him and yet she had been looking so adoringly at Fernando on the yacht .
23 It was neither bright , nor ornamented , nor ill-fitting , but she was such an unfamiliar sight out of boy 's breeches and working boots and fustian shirt that the company burst out laughing , and barracked and whistled and cheered and blew kisses at her on her long walk from the cottage where she had been hiding herself .
24 ‘ Listen , my dear , ’ she said to Alexandra , summoned flushed and impatient from the orchard where she had been settling her new charges in and attempting , as tactfully as possible , to exclude Murphy from the process , ‘ Mrs Langley says George is heartened beyond anything by your visit .
25 She then pointed to the recipe — Turkish Stuffing for a whole Roast Sheep — delighted by the disparity between the thought of this sheep and the few ounces of meat a week which begun jotting down recipes for this book after she had been sent back to England in 1945 , owing to her health , from New Delhi , where she had been living with her husband .
26 Fired by an intensely feminine and creative energy , she was spotted as a teenager by her first impresario , who snapped her up off the streets where she had been making her living and introduced her to the torrid cabaret life of the French capital .
27 Penelope hesitated , hardly remembering where she had been going .
28 ‘ That was my friend , Estelle , ’ Margrida said , coming out from the drawing-room where she had been answering the telephone .
29 She fetched herself a packet of sandwiches from the counter and then came back to where she had been sitting .
30 The little girl was on her own a few yards from the rug where she had been sitting eating some moments before .
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