Example sentences of "[adv] at him [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A large framed photograph of Joe Louis in fighting stance looked menacingly down at him from a supporting beam as he walked through the saloon bar doorway .
2 ‘ And do n't dare tell me it 's going to be too tough for a woman , ’ Mariana shouted , as she glared down at him from the saloon .
3 After a few minutes , he became aware of Peter Dawson 's portrait staring down at him from the top of the piano , and he stopped .
4 He looked up , expecting to see the grey skinny man staring down at him from the steps .
5 A week later he was in the chair at a meeting of the Humanist Society when he suddenly had a vision of Bill Brice looking down at him from the moulding in the corner of the ceiling with a crown of thorns on his head , and look of sweet forgiveness on his face ; whereupon he stood up and made a long , confused speech about the hunger for God that gnawed inside each of us , however stiff-necked and jeering we might be ; which caused great embarrassment to all those present , and even greater embarrassment later to progressive theologians on the staff , who felt that such old-fashioned emotive conversions could only undo all their good work .
6 In fact on a couple of occasions he had thought he had seen strange green faces peering down at him from the branches .
7 She smiled down at him in a funny way , stroked his head , touched his cheek with the back of her fingers .
8 Oliver was very surprised ; this was the same man he had bumped into once outside a pub , and seen another time with Fagin , looking in at him through the window of the country cottage .
9 And mummy 's smiling in at him from the outside , look she 's hanging the washing out pretending not to notice what 's going on .
10 The anger and resentment expressed at every level , from street vendor to middle-class intellectual , was almost entirely directed at Washington , not at him as an individual American .
11 But Slorne could only stare mutely at him in the cold moonlight .
12 She stared wordlessly at him for a moment , her eyes wide with dismay .
13 The tanker driver , Derrick Worrell from Bath told the coroner he saw the car coming straight at him on the wrong side of the white line .
14 ‘ It 's hot , ’ she murmured , peeping suggestively up at him over the rim of her cup .
15 Iago looked up at him over the wine with a face suddenly bright , astonished and disarmed , and burst into a muted crow of laughter .
16 Ellen dropped an awed curtsy , rounded eyes gazing up at him over the pile of red woollen mantle in her arms .
17 She stopped fighting , blinking up at him through a mass of tangled hair , her eyes wild , her breath coming in convulsive gasps .
18 She glared up at him through the darkness , her fingers clinging to the reassuring warmth of his broad shoulders .
19 ‘ Of course , Doctor , ’ murmured Judy , gazing up at him through the dark crescents of her attractively long lashes .
20 I looked up at him for a second , then smiled .
21 I looked up at him on the other side of the table , at his severe eyes on mine .
22 She looked up at him with a sideways , almost shy glance .
23 Finally , she came to stop beside him and looked up at him with a serious , troubled air .
24 It was a large black dog with large orb-like eyes gazing up at him with a malevolent gaze .
25 She pushed a dark lock of hair back off her forehead , and looked up at him with a certain defiance .
26 She looked up at him with a falsely bright smile , then wished she had n't .
27 She suddenly looked up at him with a slight smile , very bitter .
28 She looked up at him with a slightly worried expression , put out her hand as though to catch hold of him , and slipped to the floor in a faint .
29 Hearing the pet name he had used so seldom nearly caved her in completely , but she looked up at him with a bright smile .
30 Theda glanced up at him with an amused look .
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