Example sentences of "[adv] do he [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Henry was an exacting master , possessed of so much energy that it was popularly rumoured that he could fly , so swiftly did he travel from place to place .
2 Not only did he vote against the proposals but asked that his objections be publicly recognised .
3 Not only did he know of it , he also knew she was involved .
4 Not only did he embark upon freeing the serfs as soon as foreign affairs ceased to occupy the bulk of his attention , but also he intervened repeatedly in the process to galvanize his officials and overcome the mistrust of conservatives .
5 How long did he stay for ?
6 ‘ How long did he spend at the estate ? ’
7 long did he play for them ?
8 So did he move with it ?
9 He wondered if Rufus had children and if so did he worry about them coming to terrible harm the way Adam worried ?
10 Not only does he appear in many guises — far more than the few I have mentioned here — but the Devil seems to be chief of the evil spirits .
11 Not only does he write with total integrity but also with a respect for the language which is becoming increasingly rare .
12 When occasions have occurred , as they do in all organizations , where it is necessary to take a ‘ big ’ risk on a young man whose experience and background we think inadequate for the task , nine times out of ten not only does he rise to the occasion but he does even better than we would expect .
13 Not only does he believe in horoscopes , he thinks we two have X-ray eyes .
14 What exactly did he mean by that ?
15 Now what exactly did he mean by that remark ?
16 What exactly did he see in this patronizing little squirt ?
17 Only in dealing with the events of 146 B.C. did he move towards the position of a cautious critic of Roman society and its methods of government .
18 What more did he want from her ?
19 In my view this restaurant 's three year old is a model of good behaviour : his tantrums are rare and only once did he complain about a lack of attention by peeing on the floor right between my feet and his mother 's .
20 Sometimes he would tremble for at least an hour , but never once did he confide in me . ’
21 And how far did he go into the room at all ?
22 How far did he run in ten seconds ?
23 Well it 's , look he passed the hundred and fifty metre mark , ten seconds later he passed the two hundred and fifty metre mark , how far did he run in ten seconds and you 've put down a hundred metres
24 From the back of the hummock a figure appeared and began moving unhurriedly up the hill on an irregular route , at times coming obliquely towards the Friar , and then abruptly changing direction and seeming to go away from him : thus tacking and weaving the man was as inconspicuous as a partridge on ploughland , so that if the Friar turned his eyes from him for a moment he was difficult to rediscover , so perfectly did he merge with the duns , browns , russets , and half-greens of the wood .
25 well does he do like the , the blood test the breathalysers and all that ?
26 Rather did he wallow in a mood of self-pity , taking his son 's desertion as a personal affront .
27 His standing at the dispatch box stays high , but rarely did he intervene during months of Maastricht debate .
28 How did he go to pieces , when you say he went to pieces ?
29 how did he go to pieces ?
30 How did he cope during the custody cases ?
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